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Word Meanings - PREFORM - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To form beforehand, or for special ends. "Their natures and preformed faculties. " Shak.

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    To form beforehand, or for special ends. "Their natures and preformed faculties. " Shak.
    A formative letter at the beginning of a word. M. Stuart.
    1. In a special manner; partcularly; especially. Chaucer. 2. For a particular purpose; as, a meeting of the legislature is specially summoned.
    An old theory of the preƫxistence of germs. Cf. EmboƮtement.
    Devotion to a particular and restricted part or branch of knowledge, art, or science; as, medical specialism.
    The setting spart of a particular organ for the performance of a particular function. Darwin. (more info) 1. The act of specializing, or the state of being spezialized.
    1. In a state of anticipation ore preoccupation; in advance; -- often followed by with. Agricola . . . resolves to be beforehand with the danger. Milton. The last cited author has been beforehand with me. Addison. 2. By way of preparation,
    To supply with an organ or organs having a special function or functions. (more info) 1. To mention specialy; to particularize. 2. To apply to some specialty or limited object; to assign to a specific use; as, specialized knowledge.
    One who devotes himself to some specialty; as, a medical specialist, one who devotes himself to diseases of particular parts of the body, as the eye, the ear, the nerves, etc.
    See SPECIES (more info) 1. A particular or peculiar case; a particularity. Sir M. Hale.
    A contract or obligation under seal; a contract by deed; a writing, under seal, given as security for a debt particularly specified. Chitty. Bouvier. Wharton . Let specialties be therefore drawn between us. Shak. 4. That for which a person
    1. Of or pertaining to a species; constituting a species or sort. A special is called by the schools a "species". I. Watts. 2. Particular; peculiar; different from others; extraordinary; uncommon. Our Savior is represented everywhere in Scripture
    The possessive case of the personal pronoun they; as, their houses; their country. Note: The possessive takes the form theirs (theirs is best cultivated. Nothing but the name of zeal appears 'Twixt our best actions and the worst of theirs. Denham.
    Not specialized; specifically , not adapted, or set apart, for any particular purpose or function; as, an unspecialized unicellular organism. W. K. Brooks.
    The state of being especial.
    In an especial manner; chiefly; particularly; peculiarly; in an uncommon degree.
    Distinguished among others of the same class or kind; special; concerning a species or a single object; principal; particular; as, in an especial manner or degree. Syn. -- Peculiar; special; particular; uncommon; chief. See Peculiar. (more info)


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