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Word Meanings - PRESENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

one, in sight or at hand, p. p. of praeesse to be before; prae before 1. Being at hand, within reach or call, within certain contemplated limits; -- opposed to absent. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. John xiv. 25.

Additional info about word: PRESENT

one, in sight or at hand, p. p. of praeesse to be before; prae before 1. Being at hand, within reach or call, within certain contemplated limits; -- opposed to absent. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. John xiv. 25. 2. Now existing, or in process; begun but not ended; now in view, or under consideration; being at this time; not past or future; as, the present session of Congress; the present state of affairs; the present instance. I'll bring thee to the present business Shak. 3. Not delayed; immediate; instant; coincident. "A present recompense." "A present pardon." Shak. An ambassador . . . desires a present audience. Massinger. 4. Ready; quick in emergency; as a present wit. 5. Favorably attentive; propitious. To find a god so present to my prayer. Dryden. Present tense , the tense or form of a verb which expresses action or being in the present time; as, I am writing, I write, or I do write.

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    Chancellorship. Gower.
    A stated meeting of preachers and others, invested with authority to take cognizance of ecclesiastical matters. 6. A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a district; the district in which such churches are. Conference meeting,
    The act of making popular, or of introducing among the people.
    A hazardous attempt or situation; hazard. Herself had run into that hazardize. Spenser.
    To inflect according to the degrees of comparison; to state positive, comparative, and superlative forms of; as, most adjectives of one syllable are compared by affixing "-er" and "-est" to the positive form; as, black, blacker, blackest; those
    Partiality; bias. Bouvier. 9. A letter or epistle; -- so called in civility or compliment; as, your favor of yesterday is received. 10. pl. (more info) L. favor, fr. favere to be favorable, cf. Skr. bhavaya to further, foster, causative of bhBe.
    The public lectures or published writings of Aristotle. See Esoterics.
    one, in sight or at hand, p. p. of praeesse to be before; prae before 1. Being at hand, within reach or call, within certain contemplated limits; -- opposed to absent. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. John xiv. 25.
    Bringing a conception or notion directly before the mind; presenting an object to the memory of imagination; -- distinguished from symbolic. How greatly the word "will" is felt to have lost presentive power in the last three centuries. Earle. --
    Comprising structural characters which are separated in more specialized forms; synthetic; as, a generalized type.
    In a prevalent manner. Prior.
    Ready; quick; immediate in effect; as, presentaneous poison. Harvey.
    Capable of being generalized, or reduced to a general form of statement, or brought under a general rule. Extreme cases are . . . not generalizable. Coleridge
    Short curls dangling over the temples; -- fashionable in the reign of Charles II. Farquhar. (more info) p.p. of OF. favorir, cf. It. favorito, frm. favorita, fr. favorire to 1. A person or thing regarded with peculiar favor; one treated with
    Accordance. Paley.
    1. At present; at this time; now. The towns and forts you presently have. Sir P. Sidney. 2. At once; without delay; forthwith; also, less definitely, soon; shortly; before long; after a little while; by and by. Shak. And presently the fig tree
    In accordance or agreement; agreeably; conformably; -- followed by with or to.
    The act of absenting one's self. Sir W. Hamilton.
    One who accords, assents, or concedes.
    Straight; direct.
    Decapitated; worn or cast off in the process of growth, as the apex of certain univalve shells.
    . An officer of the army holding a rank next above that of brigadier general and next below that of lieutenant general, and who usually commands a division or a corps.
    A current flowing in one direction only; -- distinguished from alternating current. When steady and not pulsating a direct current is often called a continuous current. A direct induced current, or momentary current of the same direction as the
    A branch of the equatorial current of the Pacific, washing the eastern coast of Formosa and thence flowing northeastward past Japan and merging into the easterly drift of the North Pacific; -- called also Kuro-Siwo, or Black Stream, in allusion
    The momentary current between two alternating-current generators when juxtaposed in parallel and not agreeing exactly in phase or period.
    A current which periodically changes or reverses its direction of flow.
    One who immigrates; one who comes to a country for the purpose of permanent residence; -- correlative of emigrant. Syn. -- See Emigrant.
    Forgiveness, either express or implied, by a husband of his wife or by a wife of her husband, for a breach of marital duty, as adultery, with an implied condition that the offense shall not be repeated. Bouvier. Wharton. (more info) 1. The act
    Running through the entire length.
    Neglect or failure to present; state of not being presented.


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