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Word Meanings - QUICK - Book Publishers vocabulary database

cwicu, cwucu, cucu, living; akin to OS. quik, D. kwik, OHG. quec, chec, G. keck bold, lively, Icel. kvikr living, Goth. qius, Lith. qyvas, Russ. zhivoi, L. vivus living, vivere to live, Gr. bi`os life, Skr. jiva living, jiv to live. Cf. Biography,

Additional info about word: QUICK

cwicu, cwucu, cucu, living; akin to OS. quik, D. kwik, OHG. quec, chec, G. keck bold, lively, Icel. kvikr living, Goth. qius, Lith. qyvas, Russ. zhivoi, L. vivus living, vivere to live, Gr. bi`os life, Skr. jiva living, jiv to live. Cf. Biography, Vivid, Quitch grass, 1. Alive; living; animate; -- opposed to dead or inanimate. Not fully quyke, ne fully dead they were. Chaucer. The Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom. 2 Tim. iv. 1. Man is no star, but a quick coal Of mortal fire. Herbert. Note: In this sense the word is nearly obsolete, except in some compounds, or in particular phrases. 2. Characterized by life or liveliness; animated; sprightly; agile; brisk; ready. " A quick wit." Shak. 3. Speedy; hasty; swift; not slow; as, be quick Oft he her his charge of quick return Repeated. Milton. 4. Impatient; passionate; hasty; eager; eager; sharp; unceremonious; as, a quick temper. The bishop was somewhat quick with them, and signified that he was much offended. Latimer. 5. Fresh; bracing; sharp; keen. The air is quick there, And it pierces and sharpens the stomach. Shak. 6. Sensitive; perceptive in a high degree; ready; as, a quick ear. "To have an open ear, a quick eye." Shak. They say that women are so quick. Tennyson. 7. Pregnant; with child. Shak. Quick grass. See Quitch grass. -- Quick match. See under Match. -- Quick vein , a vein of ore which is productive, not barren. -- Quick vinegar, vinegar made by allowing a weak solution of alcohol to trickle slowly over shavings or other porous material. -- Quick water, quicksilver water. -- Quick with child, pregnant with a living child. Syn. -- Speedy; expeditious; swift; rapid; hasty; prompt; ready; active; brisk; nimble; fleet; alert; agile; lively; sprightly.

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Related words: (words related to QUICK)

    In a living state. Sir T. Browne.
    Etym: 1. To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live. "I am in health, I breathe." Shak. Breathes there a man with soul so dead Sir W. Scott. 2. To take breath; to rest from action. Well! breathe awhile, and then to it again! Shak. 3.
    In a precipitate manner; headlong; hastily; rashly. Swift.
    Taught by use, practice, or experience, experienced; having facility of operation or performance from practice; knowing and ready from much practice; clever; skillful; as, an expert surgeon; expert in chess or archery. A valiant and most expert
    1. Endowed with or manifesting life; living. Chaplets of gold and silver resembling lively flowers and leaves. Holland. 2. Brisk; vivacious; active; as, a lively youth. But wherefore comes old Manoa in such haste, With youthful steps Much livelier
    The quality or state of being slight; slenderness; feebleness; superficiality; also, formerly, negligence; indifference; disregard.
    The book used by a prompter of a theater.
    The quality or state of being ingenious; ingenuity.
    A part of a book or literary composition printed and delivered by itself; a number; a part.
    The state or quality of being alive; possession of energy or vigor; animation; quickening.
    1. Discerning; reasonable; judicious; cunning. "Of skillful judgment." Chaucer. 2. Possessed of, or displaying, skill; knowing and ready; expert; well-versed; able in management; as, a skillful mechanic; -- often followed by at, in, or of; as,
    Having life; -- used only in composition; as, long-lived; short-lived.
  • LIVE
    liven, livien, AS. libban, lifian; akin to OS. libbian, D. leven, G. leben, OHG. lebn, Dan. leve, Sw. lefva, Icel. lifa to live, to be left, to remain, Goth. liban to live; akin to E. leave to forsake, and life, Gr. lip to anoint, smear; -- the
    tolerare, tollere, to lift up, sustain, endure. See Thole, v. t., 1. Among the ancient Greeks, a weight and a denomination of money equal to 60 minæ or 6,000 drachmæ. The Attic talent, as a weight, was about 57 lbs. avoirdupois; as a denomination
    Causing animation; life-giving; inspiriting; rousing. "Animating cries." Pope. -- An"i*ma`ting*ly, adv.
    The number of degrees which, if added to a specified arc, make it 180°; the quantity by which an arc or an angle falls short of 180 degrees, or an arc falls short of a semicircle. Syn. -- Appendix. -- Appendix, Supplement. An appendix is that which
    1. Very swift or quick; moving with celerity; fast; as, a rapid stream; a rapid flight; a rapid motion. Ascend my chariot; guide the rapid wheels. Milton. 2. Advancing with haste or speed; speedy in progression; in quick sequence; as, rapid growth;
    Capable of being excited, or roused into action; susceptible of excitement; easily stirred up, or stimulated.
    exist; ex out + sistere to cause to stand, to set, put, place, stand 1. To be as a fact and not as a mode; to have an actual or real being, whether material or spiritual. Who now, alas! no more is missed Than if he never did exist. Swift.
    Sprightlike, or spiritlike; lively; brisk; animated; vigorous; airy; gay; as, a sprightly youth; a sprightly air; a sprightly dance. "Sprightly wit and love inspires." Dryden. The sprightly Sylvia trips along the green. Pope.
    Acting of one's self or of itself; acting without depending on other agents.
    Any fact or truth which is decisively attested or intuitively known as a psychological or philosophical datum; as, the deliverance of consciousness. (more info) 1. The act of delivering or freeing from restraint, captivity, peril, and the like;
    Producing, or converting into, chyle; having the power to form chyle.
    Negligently; heedlessly.
    Tending to counteract.
    To exist after; to live subsequently.
    In a compassionate manner; mercifully. Clarendon.
    Gay; merry; sprightly; joyous; glad; cheerful; as, a blithe spirit. The blithe sounds of festal music. Prescott. A daughter fair, So buxom, blithe, and debonair. Milton. (more info) Icel. bli mild, gentle, Dan. & Sw. blid gentle, D. blijd blithe,
    To quicken; to make alive. Dr. H. More.


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