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Word Meanings - RECONSTRUCT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To construct again; to rebuild; to remodel; to form again or anew. Regiments had been dissolved and reconstructed. Macaulay.

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    together, to construct; con- + struere to pile up, set in order. See 1. To put together the constituent parts of in their proper place and order; to build; to form; to make; as, to construct an edlifice. 2. To devise; to invent; to set in order;
    To withstand.
    To gainsay. Wyclif.
    Having the power to dissolve anything; solvent. Frampton.
    To annul; to rescind; to discharge or release; as, to dissolve an injunction. Syn. -- See Adjourn. (more info) 1. To separate into competent parts; to disorganize; to break up; hence, to bring to an end by separating the parts, sundering
    In a constructive manner; by construction or inference. A neutral must have notice of a blockade, either actually by a formal information, or constructively by notice to his government. Kent.
    A remedy supposed capable of dissolving concretions in the body, such as calculi, tubercles, etc. (more info) 1. That which has the power of dissolving or melting other substances, esp. by mixture with them; a menstruum; a solvent. Melted in the
    To construct again; to rebuild; to remodel; to form again or anew. Regiments had been dissolved and reconstructed. Macaulay.
    again; on + geƔn, akin to Ger. gegewn against, Icel. gegn. Cf. 1. In return, back; as, bring us word again. 2. Another time; once more; anew. If a man die, shall he live again Job xiv. 14. 3. Once repeated; -- of quantity; as, as large again,
    One who rebuilds. Bp. Bull.
    To build again, as something which has been demolished; to construct anew; as, to rebuild a house, a wall, a wharf, or a city.
    1. Having ability to construct or form; employed in construction; as, to exhibit constructive power. The constructive fingers of Watts. Emerson. 2. Derived from, or depending on, construction or interpretation; not directly expressed, but inferred.
    Capable of being dissolved, or separated into component parts; capable of being liquefied; soluble. -- Dis*solv"a*ble*ness, n. Though everything which is compacted be in its own nature dissolvable. Cudworth. Such things as are not dissolvable by
    1. Abreast; opposite to; facing; towards; as, against the mouth of a river; -- in this sense often preceded by over. Jacob saw the angels of God come against him. Tyndale. 2. From an opposite direction so as to strike or come in contact with; in
    Against; also, towards . Albeit that it is again his kind. Chaucer.
    The arrangement and connection of words in a sentence; syntactical arrangement. Some particles . . . in certain constructions have the sense of a whole sentence contained in them. Locke. 4. The method of construing, interpreting, or explaining a
    Capacity of being dissolved; solubility. Richardson.
    One who puts a certain construction upon some writing or instrument, as the Constitutions of the United States; as, a strict constructionist; a broad constructionist.
    The act or process of reorganizing the governments of the States which had passed ordinances of secession, and of reƫstablishing their constitutional relations to the national government, after the close of the Civil War. (more info) 1. The act
    Melting; breaking up; vanishing. -- Dis*solv"ing*ly, adv. Dissolving view, a picture which grows dim and is gradually replaced by another on the same field; -- an effect produced by magic lanterns.
    In opposition; against one's course. If that him list to stand thereagain. Chaucer.
    Erroneous construction; wrong interpretation. Bp. Stillingfleet.
    To construct wrongly; to construe or interpret erroneously.


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