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Word Meanings - REINSERT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To insert again.

Related words: (words related to REINSERT)

    To withstand.
    To gainsay. Wyclif.
    To set within something; to put or thrust in; to introduce; to cause to enter, or be included, or contained; as, to insert a scion in a stock; to insert a letter, word, or passage in a composition; to insert an advertisement in a newspaper. These
    again; on + geán, akin to Ger. gegewn against, Icel. gegn. Cf. 1. In return, back; as, bring us word again. 2. Another time; once more; anew. If a man die, shall he live again Job xiv. 14. 3. Once repeated; -- of quantity; as, as large again,
    1. A setting in. 2. Something inserted or set in, as lace, etc., in garments.
    1. Abreast; opposite to; facing; towards; as, against the mouth of a river; -- in this sense often preceded by over. Jacob saw the angels of God come against him. Tyndale. 2. From an opposite direction so as to strike or come in contact with; in
    Against; also, towards . Albeit that it is again his kind. Chaucer.
    Situated upon, attached to, or growing out of, some part; -- said especially of the parts of the flower; as, the calyx, corolla, and stamens of many flowers are inserted upon the receptacle. Gray.
    The point or part by which a muscle or tendon is attached to the part to be moved; -- in contradistinction to its origin. Epigynous insertion , the insertion of stamens upon the ovary. -- Hypogynous insertion , insertion beneath the ovary. (more
    Back again.
    To redeem. Wyclif.
    In opposition; against one's course. If that him list to stand thereagain. Chaucer.
    To insert again.
    The act of reinserting.


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