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Word Meanings - SAUCEBOX - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A saucy, impudent person; especially, a pert child. Saucebox, go, meddle with your lady's fan, And prate not here! A. Brewer.

Related words: (words related to SAUCEBOX)

    The state or relation of being a child.
    Bold, with contempt or disregard; unblushingly forward; impertinent; wanting modesty; shameless; saucy. More than impudent sauciness. Shak. When we behold an angel, not to fear Is to be impudent. Dryden. Syn. -- Shameless; audacious; brazen;
    The state or quality of being childish; simplicity; harmlessness; weakness of intellect.
    The body of persons employed in some public service, as the army, navy, etc.; -- distinguished from matériel.
    A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstract idea is represented as animated, or endowed with personality; prosopopas, the floods clap their hands. "Confusion heards his voice." Milton. (more info) 1. The act of personifying;
    Furnished with a child.
    The act of bringing forth a child; travail; labor. Jer. Taylor.
    One who brews; one whose occupation is to prepare malt liquors.
    1. Of, pertaining to, befitting, or resembling, a child. "Childish innocence." Macaulay. 2. Peurile; trifling; weak. Methinks that simplicity in her countenance is rather childish than innocent. Addison. Note: Childish, as applied tc persons who
    One who prates. Shak.
    A scientific study of children, undertaken for the purpose of discovering the laws of development of the body and the mind from birth to manhood.
    To personify. Milton has personized them. J. Richardson.
    To celebrate loudly; to extol; to praise. In fable, hymn, or song so personating Their gods ridiculous. Milton.
    One who personates. "The personators of these actions." B. Jonson.
    One who meddles; one who interferes or busies himself with things in which he has no concern; an officious person; a busybody.
    The crowing noise made by children affected with spasm of the laryngeal muscles; false croup.
    Given to meddling; apt to interpose in the affairs of others; officiously intrusive. -- Med"dle*some*ness, n.
    Denoting person; as, a personal pronoun. Personal action , a suit or action by which a man claims a debt or personal duty, or damages in lieu of it; or wherein he claims satisfaction in damages for an injury to his person or property,
    1. To regard, treat, or represent as a person; to represent as a rational being. The poets take the liberty of personifying inanimate things. Chesterfield. 2. To be the embodiment or personification of; to impersonate; as, he personifies the law.
    One who personifies.
    One for whom a person becomes sponsor at baptism, and whom he promises to see educated as a Christian; a godson or goddaughter. See Godfather.
    To meddle with the affairs of others; to meddle officiously; to interpose or interfere improperly; to mix or meddle with. The practice of Spain hath been, by war and by conditions of treaty, to intermeddle with foreign states. Bacon. Syn. -- To
    To ravish; to debauch. Burton.
    Used in only one person, especially only in the third person, as some verbs; impersonal. (more info) 1. Existing as one, and only one, person; as, a unipersonal God.
    One who believes that the Deity is unipersonal.


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