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Word Meanings - SELF-CONCEIT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Conceit of one's self; an overweening opinion of one's powers or endowments. Syn. -- See Egotism.

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    Conceit of one's self; an overweening opinion of one's powers or endowments. Syn. -- See Egotism.
    1. In an egotistical manner. 2. Fancifully; whimsically.
    The act of bearing down, abashing, or disconcerting, with stern looks, suspercilious manners, or confident assertions. The imperious browbeating and scorn of great men. L'Estrange.
    A small box, usually jeweled or of precious metal and worn on a chain, containing a mirror, powder puff, and other small toilet articles for a woman.
    The state of being conceited; conceit; vanity. Addison.
    The state or quality of being lofty.
    Having an overweening opinion of one's own powers, attainments; vain; conceited. -- Self`-con*ceit"ed*ness, n.
    Excessive vanity excited by one's own performances; empty pride; undue elation of mind; vain show; boastfulness. He had nothing of vainglory. Bacon. The man's undone forever; for if Hector break not his neck i' the combat, he'll break't himself
    Rudeness of behavior or language; ill manners; manifestation of disrespect; incivility. Be calm in arguing; for fierceness makes Error a fault, and truth discourtesy. Herbert.
    The practice of too frequently using the word I; hence, a speaking or writing overmuch of one's self; self-exaltation; self- praise; the act or practice of magnifying one's self or parading one's own doings. The word is also used in the sense of
    conception, fr. concipere to conceive: cf. OF. p. p. nom. conciez 1. That which is conceived, imagined, or formed in the mind; idea; thought; image; conception. In laughing, there ever procedeth a conceit of somewhat ridiculous. Bacon. A man wise
    To depress or bear down with haughty, stern looks, or with arrogant speech and dogmatic assertions; to abash or disconcert by impudent or abusive words or looks; to bully; as, to browbeat witnesses. My grandfather was not a man to be browbeaten.
    The act of exalting one's self, or the state of being so exalted.
    Praise of one's self.
    Without wit; stupid. Think'st thou I am so shallow, so conceitless. To be seduced by thy flattery Shak.
    1. The quality or state of being vain; want of substance to satisfy desire; emptiness; unsubstantialness; unrealness; falsity. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Eccl. i. 2. Here I may well show the vanity
    Haughty manner or spirit; haughtiness; pride; arrogance.
    The minor or second proposition in a categorical syllogism. 5. The taking of a person up into heaven. Hence: (Rom. Cath. & Greek Churches) (more info) 1. The act of assuming, or taking to or upon one's self; the act of taking up or adopting. The
    The quality of being haughty; disdain; arrogance. Syn. -- Arrogance; disdain; contemptuousness; superciliousness; loftiness. -- Haughtiness, Arrogance, Disdain. Haughtiness denotes the expression of conscious and proud superiority; arrogance is
    The quality or state of being stately. For stateliness and majesty, what is comparable to a horse Dr. H. More.
    An opinion or notion formed beforehand; a preconception. Hooker.


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