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Word Meanings - SHEPHERDLY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Resembling, or becoming to, a shepherd; pastoral; rustic. Jer. Taylor.

Related words: (words related to SHEPHERDLY)

    Rustic. "Rustical society." Thackeray. -- Rus"tic*al*ly, adv. -- Rus"tic*al*ness, n.
    1. In a pastoral or rural manner. 2. In the manner of a pastor.
    A genus of shrubs having silvery scurfy leaves, and belonging to the same family as Elæagnus; also, any plant of this genus. See Buffalo berry, under Buffalo.
    To go into or reside in the country; to ruralize. Pope.
    happen; akin to D. bekomen, OHG.a piquëman, Goth. biquiman to come 1. To pass from one state to another; to enter into some state or condition, by a change from another state, or by assuming or receiving new properties or qualities, additional
    The quality or state of being rustic; rustic manners; rudeness; simplicity; artlessness. The sweetness and rusticity of a pastoral can not be so well expressed in any other tongue as in the Greek, when rightly mixed and qualified with the Doric
    So as to resemble; with resemblance or likeness.
    In a rustic manner; rustically. Chapman.
    A process (invented about 1899 by Frederick W. Taylor and Maunsel B. White) for giving toughness to self-hardening steels. The steel is heated almost to fusion, cooled to a temperature of from 700º to 850º C. in molten lead, further cooled in
    Resembling, or becoming to, a shepherd; pastoral; rustic. Jer. Taylor.
    resembling rustic work. See Rustic work , under Rustic.
    Proper; decorous. And gave him what becomed love I might. Shak.
    Having or exhibiting resemblance; resembling. Gower.
    Pastoral life or occupation.
    1. Of or pertaining to the country; rural; as, the rustic gods of antiquity. Milton. And many a holy text around she strews, That teach the rustic moralist to die. Gray. She had a rustic, woodland air. Wordsworth. 2. Rude; awkward; rough;
    In a becoming manner.
    A composition in a soft, rural style, generally in 6-8 or 12-8 time. 2. A kind of dance; a kind of figure used in a dance.
    1. Of or pertaining to shepherds; hence, relating to rural life and scenes; as, a pastoral life. 2. Relating to the care of souls, or to the pastor of a church; as, pastoral duties; a pastoral letter. Pastoral staff , a staff, usually of the form
    The quality of being becoming, appropriate, or fit; congruity; fitness. The becomingness of human nature. Grew.
    sembler to seem, resemble, fr. L. similare, simulare, to imitate, fr. 1. To be like or similar to; to bear the similitude of, either in appearance or qualities; as, these brothers resemble each other. We will resemble you in that. Shak.
    Not becoming; unsuitable; unfit; indecorous; improper. My grief lets unbecoming speeches fall. Dryden. -- Un`be*com"ing*ly, adv. -- Un`be*com"ing*ness, n.
    To misbecome. Bp. Sherlock.
    Unbecoming. Milton. -- Mis`be*com"ing*ly, adv. -- Mis`be*com"ing*ness, n. Boyle.


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