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Word Meanings - SHIRK - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To procure by petty fraud and trickery; to obtain by mean solicitation. You that never heard the call of any vocation, . . . that shirk living from others, but time from Yourselves. Bp. Rainbow. 2. To avoid; to escape; to neglect; -- implying

Additional info about word: SHIRK

1. To procure by petty fraud and trickery; to obtain by mean solicitation. You that never heard the call of any vocation, . . . that shirk living from others, but time from Yourselves. Bp. Rainbow. 2. To avoid; to escape; to neglect; -- implying unfaithfulness or fraud; as, to shirk duty. The usual makeshift by which they try to shirk difficulties. Hare.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of SHIRK)

Related words: (words related to SHIRK)

    One who shirks. Macaulay.
    One who forsakes a duty, a cause or a party, a friend, or any one to whom he owes service; especially, a soldier or a seaman who abandons the service without leave; one guilty of desertion.
    1. To quit or leave entirely; to desert; to abandon; to depart or withdraw from; to leave; as, false friends and flatterers forsake us in adversity. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. Ps. lxxxix. 30. 2. To renounce; to
    1. To shun; to avoid, as something wrong, or from a feeling of distaste; to keep one's self clear of. They must not only eschew evil, but do good. Bp. Beveridge. 2. To escape from; to avoid. He who obeys, destruction shall eschew. Sandys.
    One who forsakes or deserts.
    1. One who dodges or evades; one who plays fast and loose, or uses tricky devices. Smart. 2. A small handbill. 3. See Corndodger.
    One who eschews.
    1. To start suddenly aside, as to avoid a blow or a missile; to shift place by a sudden start. Milton. 2. To evade a duty by low craft; to practice mean shifts; to use tricky devices; to play fast and loose; to quibble. Some dodging casuist with
    Without desert.
    Unavoidable; inevitable.
    To relinquish all claim to; -- used when an insured person gives up to underwriters all claim to the property covered by a policy, which may remain after loss or damage by a peril insured against. Syn. -- To give up; yield; forego; cede; surrender;
    That which is deserved; the reward or the punishment justly due; claim to recompense, usually in a good sense; right to reward; merit. According to their deserts will I judge them. Ezek. vii. 27. Andronicus, surnamed Pius For many good and great
    The act of eschewing.
    Undeservedly. Beau. & Fl.
    1. The act of annulling; annulment. 2. The act of becoming vacant, or the state of being vacant; -- specifically used for the state of a benefice becoming void by the death, deprivation, or resignation of the incumbent. Wolsey, . . .
    To avoid slyly, by artifice, stratagem, or dexterity; to escape from in a covert manner; to mock by an unexpected escape; to baffle; as, to elude an officer; to elude detection, inquiry, search, comprehension; to elude the force of an argument or
    The act of relinquishing.
    1. The act of escaping; escape. 2. Way of escape; vent. An escapement for youthful high spirits. G. Eliot. 3. The contrivance in a timepiece which connects the train of wheel work with the pendulum or balance, giving to the latter the impulse by
    1. To procure by petty fraud and trickery; to obtain by mean solicitation. You that never heard the call of any vocation, . . . that shirk living from others, but time from Yourselves. Bp. Rainbow. 2. To avoid; to escape; to neglect; -- implying
    1. The person who carries anything away, or the vessel in which things are carried away. Johnson. 2. One who avoids, shuns, or escapes.
    An introductory performance, preceding and preparing for the principal matter; a preliminary part, movement, strain, etc.; especially , a strain introducing the theme or chief subject; a movement introductory to a fugue, yet independent; -- with
    Ill desert. Addison.
    One who, or that which, preludes; one who plays a prelude. Mason.
    Ill desert. Spenser.
    1. Not avoided or shunned. Shak. 2. Unavoidable; inevitable. B. Jonson.
    One who deludes; a deceiver; an impostor.


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