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Word Meanings - SPARERIB - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A piece of pork, consisting or ribs with little flesh on them.

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    In a consistent manner.
    The act of fleshing, or the excitement attending a successful beginning. Shak.
    1. To stand firm; to be in a fixed or permanent state, as a body composed of parts in union or connection; to hold together; to be; to exist; to subsist; to be supported and maintained. He is before all things, and by him all things consist. Col.
    The state or condition of having a form of flesh; incarnation. Thou, who hast thyself Endured this fleshhood. Mrs. Browning.
    Pertaining to a Presbyterian consistory; -- a contemptuous term of 17th century controversy. You fall next on the consistorian schismatics; for so you call Presbyterians. Milton.
    The state or quality of being little; as, littleness of size, thought, duration, power, etc. Syn. -- Smallness; slightness; inconsiderableness; narrowness; insignificance; meanness; penuriousness.
    1. One who pieces; a patcher. 2. A child employed in spinning mill to tie together broken threads.
    Divided into pieces.
    1. The condition of standing or adhering together, or being fixed in union, as the parts of a body; existence; firmness; coherence; solidity. Water, being divided, maketh many circles, till it restore itself to the natural consistence. Bacon. We
    The state of being fleshy; plumpness; corpulence; grossness. Milton.
    The spiritual court of a diocesan bishop held before his chancellor or commissioner in his cathedral church or elsewhere. Hook. (more info) consistorium a place of assembly, the place where the emperor's council met, fr. consistere: cf.
    1. In pieces; in parts or fragments. "On which it piecemeal brake." Chapman. The beasts will tear thee piecemeal. Tennyson. 2. Piece by piece; by little and little in succession. Piecemeal they win, this acre first, than that. Pope.
    An old slang name for the pillory, stocks, etc., of a prison. Latimer.
    1. A butcher. A flesher on a block had laid his whittle down. Macaulay. 2. A two-handled, convex, blunt-edged knife, for scraping hides; a fleshing knife.
    1. Of or pertaining to the flesh; corporeal. "Fleshly bondage." Denham. 2. Animal; not Dryden. 3. Human; not celestial; not spiritual or divine. "Fleshly wisdom." 2 Cor. i. 12. Much ostentation vain of fleshly arm And fragile arms. Milton.
    Not made of pieces; whole; entire.
    1. Possessing firmness or fixedness; firm; hard; solid. The humoral and consistent parts of the body. Harvey. 2. Having agreement with itself or with something else; having harmony among its parts; possesing unity; accordant; harmonious; congruous;
    Destitute of flesh; lean. Carlyle.
    In pieces; piecemeal.
    Of or pertaining to a consistory. "Consistorial laws." Hooker. "Consistorial courts." Bp. Hoadley.
    The collar beam of a roof; the spanpiece. Gwilt.
    An upright or curved piece of timber connecting the plank sheer with the gunwale; also, a scroll terminating a rail.
    A part of male dress in front of the breeches, formerly made very conspicuous. Shak. Fosbroke.
    1. The flesh of horses. The Chinese eat horseflesh at this day. Bacon. 2. Horses, generally; the qualities of a horse; as, he is a judge of horseflesh. Horseflesh ore , a miner's name for bornite, in allusion to its peculiar reddish color on
    One who performs little though professing much. Great talkers are commonly dolittles. Bp. Richardson.
    In an inconsistent manner.
    The heel of a rudder. (more info) 1. A piece performed after a play, usually a farce or other small entertainment.
    A cannon mounted on wheels, for the use of a marching army; a piece of field artillery; -- called also field gun.
    A piece, or plate which forms the back of anything, or which covers the back; armor for the back.
    1. The quality or state of being inconsistent; discordance in respect to sentiment or action; such contrariety between two things that both can not exist or be true together; disagreement; incompatibility. There is a perfect inconsistency between
    A clock, watch, or other instrument, to measure or show the progress of time; a chronometer.


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