Word Meanings - SPECTROGRAPH - Book Publishers vocabulary database
An apparatus for photographing or mapping a spectrum. A photograph or picture of a spectrum. -- Spec`tro*graph"ic , a. --Spec`tro*graph"ic*al*ly , adv. --Spec*trog"ra*phy , n.
Related words: (words related to SPECTROGRAPH)
Of or pertaining to photography; obtained by photography; used ib photography; as a photographic picture; a photographic camera. -- Pho`to*graph"ic*al*ly, adv. Photographic printing, the process of obtaining pictures, as on chemically - GRAPHOTYPE
A process for producing a design upon a surface in relief so that it can be printed from. Prepared chalk or oxide of zinc is pressed upon a smooth plate by a hydraulic press, and the design is drawn upon this in a peculiar ink which hardens the - SPECTRUM
1. An apparition; a specter. The several colored and other rays of which light is composed, separated by the refraction of a prism or other means, and observed or studied either as spread out on a screen, by direct vision, by photography, - GRAPHOPHONE
A kind of photograph. - PHOTOGRAPHER
One who practices, or is skilled in, photography. - GRAPHITIC
Pertaining to, containing, derived from, or resembling, graphite. Graphitic acid , an organic acid, so called because obtained by the oxidation of graphite; -- usually called mellitic acid. -- Graphitic carbon, in iron or steel, that portion of - MAPPERY
The making, or study, of maps. Shak. - GRAPHICNESS; GRAPHICALNESS
The quality or state of being graphic. - GRAPHIC; GRAPHICAL
1. Of or pertaining to the arts of painting and drawing. 2. Of or pertaining to the art of writing. 3. Written or engraved; formed of letters or lines. The finger of God hath left an inscription upon all his works, not graphical, or composed of - PICTURESQUISH
Somewhat picturesque. - PHOTOGRAPHY
1. The science which relates to the action of light on sensitive bodies in the production of pictures, the fixation of images, and the like. 2. The art or process of producing pictures by this action of light. Note: The well-focused optical image - GRAPHOSCOPE
An optical instrument for magnifying engravings, photographs, etc., usually having one large lens and two smaller ones. - GRAPHITOID; GRAPHITOIDAL
Resembling graphite or plumbago. - PHOTOGRAPHOMETER
An instrument for determining the sensibility of the plates employed in photographic processes to luminous rays. - PICTURER
One who makes pictures; a painter. Fuller. - GRAPHICALLY
In a graphic manner; vividly. - PICTURE
1. The art of painting; representation by painting. Any well-expressed image . . . either in picture or sculpture. Sir H. Wotton. 2. A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, produced - PHOTOGRAPHONE
A device, consisting essentially of an electric arc and a camera, by which a series of photographs of the variations of the arc due to sound waves are obtained for reproduction by means of a selenium cell and a telephone. - PICTURESQUE
Forming, or fitted to form, a good or pleasing picture; representing with the clearness or ideal beauty appropriate to a picture; expressing that peculiar kind of beauty which is agreeable in a picture, natural or artificial; graphic; vivid; as, - GRAPHISCOPE
A document, as a letter, deed, or will, wholly in the handwriting of the person from whom it proceeds and whose act it purports to be. (more info) "olo`grafos; "o`los whole + gra`fein to write: cf. F. holographe, - ELLIPTOGRAPH
A writing signed by both or all the parties to a contract or bond. - CACOGRAPHY
Incorrect or bad writing or spelling. Walpole. - PETROGRAPHIC; PETROGRAPHICAL
Pertaining to petrography. - LITHOPHOTOGRAPHY
One skilled in the hydrography; one who surveys, or draws maps or charts of, the sea, lakes, or other waters, with the adjacent shores; one who describes the sea or other waters. Boyle. - STEREOGRAPHIC; STEREOGRAPHICAL
Made or done according to the rules of stereography; delineated on a plane; as, a stereographic chart of the earth. Stereographic projection , a method of representing the sphere in which the center of projection is taken in the surface of the - ANEMOGRAPH
An instrument for measuring and recording the direction and force of the wind. Knight. - PENTAGRAPHIC; PENTAGRAPHICAL
Pantographic. See Pantograph. - OSTEOGRAPHER
An osteologist. - MULTIGRAPH
A combined rotary type-setting and printing machine for office use. The type is transferred semi-automatically by means of keys from a type-supply drum to a printing drum. The printing may be done by means of an inked ribbon to print "typewritten" - CINEMATOGRAPH
A machine, combining magic lantern and kinetoscope features, for projecting on a screen a series of pictures, moved rapidly (25 to 50 a second) and intermittently before an objective lens, and producing by persistence of vision the illusion - CRYPTOGRAPHIST
1. A method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used. 2. A mode of reporting speeches without using shorthand, -- a number of reporters, each in succession, taking down three or four words. Brande & C. - PSALMOGRAPHY
The act or practice of writing psalms, or sacred songs. - PLETHYSMOGRAPH
An instrument for determining and registering the variations in the size or volume of a limb, as the arm or leg, and hence the variations in the amount of blood in the limb. -- Pleth`ys*mo*graph"ic, a. - STEREOTYPOGRAPHY
The act or art of printing from stereotype plates. - PHYTOGRAPHICAL
Of or pertaining to phytography.