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Word Meanings - SPEND - Book Publishers vocabulary database

to expend, dispense. See Pendant, and cf. Dispend, Expend, Spence, 1. To weigh or lay out; to dispose of; to part with; as, to spend money for clothing. Spend thou that in the town. Shak. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread

Additional info about word: SPEND

to expend, dispense. See Pendant, and cf. Dispend, Expend, Spence, 1. To weigh or lay out; to dispose of; to part with; as, to spend money for clothing. Spend thou that in the town. Shak. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread Isa. lv. 2. 2. To bestow; to employ; -- often with on or upon. I . . . am never loath To spend my judgment. Herbert. 3. To consume; to waste; to squander; to exhaust; as, to spend an estate in gaming or other vices. 4. To pass, as time; to suffer to pass away; as, to spend a day idly; to spend winter abroad. We spend our years as a tale that is told. Ps. xc. 9. 5. To exhaust of force or strength; to waste; to wear away; as, the violence of the waves was spent. Their bodies spent with long labor and thirst. Knolles.

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    A current flowing in one direction only; -- distinguished from alternating current. When steady and not pulsating a direct current is often called a continuous current. A direct induced current, or momentary current of the same direction as the
    One who, or that which, induces or incites.
    To pass gradually from a sound, prosperous, or perfect state, to one of imperfection, adversity, or dissolution; to waste away; to decline; to fail; to become weak, corrupt, or disintegrated; to rot; to perish; as, a tree decays; fortunes decay;
    One who directs; a director. Directer plane , the plane to which all right-lined elements in a warped surface are parallel.
    That which prevents; -- incorrectly used instead of preventive.
    A kind of white and fine bread or cake; -- called also wastel bread, and wastel cake. Roasted flesh or milk and wasted bread. Chaucer. The simnel bread and wastel cakes, which were only used at the tables of the highest nobility. Sir W. Scott.
    The state or quality of being appropriate; peculiar fitness. Froude.
    One who, or that which, persuades or influences. "Powerful persuaders." Milton.
    The missel thrush.
    To accompany for protection, either by sea or land; to attend for protection; to escort; as, a frigate convoys a merchantman. I know ye skillful to convoy The total freight of hope and joy. Emerson. (more info) Etym:
    A supplying or furnishing; supply. Shak.
    See 1
    Invested with office; inaugurated. Drayton. (more info) omens from the flight of birds (before entering upon any important undertaking); hence, to consecrate, inaugurate, or install, with such
    A spendthrift.
    One who spends money profusely or improvidently; a prodigal; one who lavishes or wastes his estate. Also used figuratively. A woman who was a generous spendthrift of life. Mrs. R. H. Davis.
    Prevailed upon; influenced by argument or entreaty; convinced. -- Per*suad"ed*ly, adv. -- Per*suad"ed*ness, n.
    Destructible. Plants . . . scarcely destroyable by the weather. Derham.
    One who spends; esp., one who spends lavishly; a prodigal; a spendthrift.
    1. The act of increasing in size or bulk, real or apparent; the state of being increased; augmentation; further extension; expansion. 2. Expansion or extension, as of the powers of the mind; ennoblement, as of the feelings and character; as, an
    To pay out; to expend; -- usually from a public fund or treasury. The duty of collecting and disbursing his revenues. Macaulay. Disbursing officer, an officer in any department of the public service who is charged with the duty of paying out public
    Waste material from the manufacture of alkali; specif., soda waste.
    Quality or state of being not employed; -- used esp. in economics, of the condition of various social classes when temporarily thrown out of employment, as those engaged for short periods, those whose trade is decaying, and those least competent.
    Not preventable; invitable.
    That which gives a safe, passage; either a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country, or a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety. Shak.
    To increase again.
    Wasted or worn out; Drayton.
    transparere to be transparent; L. trans across, through + parere to 1. Having the property of transmitting rays of light, so that bodies can be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; diaphanous; pellucid; as, transparent glass; a transparent


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