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Word Meanings - SPORTIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Tending to, engaged in, or provocate of, sport; gay; froliscome; playful; merry. Is it I That drive thee from the sportive court Shak. -- Sport"ive*ly, adv. -- Sport"ive*ness, n.

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    1. Endowed with or manifesting life; living. Chaplets of gold and silver resembling lively flowers and leaves. Holland. 2. Brisk; vivacious; active; as, a lively youth. But wherefore comes old Manoa in such haste, With youthful steps Much livelier
    wanting , hence expressing negation + towen, p. p., AS. togen, p. p. of teón to draw, to educate, bring up; hence, 1. Untrained; undisciplined; unrestrained; hence, loose; free; luxuriant; roving; sportive. "In woods and wanton wilderness."
    Gay; merry; sprightly; joyous; glad; cheerful; as, a blithe spirit. The blithe sounds of festal music. Prescott. A daughter fair, So buxom, blithe, and debonair. Milton. (more info) Icel. bli mild, gentle, Dan. & Sw. blid gentle, D. blijd blithe,
    Indifferent; careless; cool. (more info) concern one's self for, fr. L. calere to be warm, to be inflamed with
    An acrid plant of the genus Polygonum , which produces smarting if applied where the skin is tender.
    Sprightlike, or spiritlike; lively; brisk; animated; vigorous; airy; gay; as, a sprightly youth; a sprightly air; a sprightly dance. "Sprightly wit and love inspires." Dryden. The sprightly Sylvia trips along the green. Pope.
    One whose business is to make sport for others; a buffoon; a zany; especially, one who attends a mountebank or quack doctor. Note: This term is said to have originated from one Andrew Borde, an English physician of the 16th century, who
    Pertaining to, or becoming, a feast; festal; joyous; gay; mirthful; sportive. -- Fes"tive*ly, adv. The glad circle round them yield their souls To festive mirth and wit that knows no gall. Thomson.
    1. Relating to comedy. They deny it to be tragical because its catastrphe is a wedding, which hath ever been accounted comical. Gay. 2. Exciting mirth; droll; laughable; as, a comical story. "Comical adventures." Dryden. Syn. -- Humorous;
    limber, pliant, or Icel. fleipa to babble, prattle. Cf. Flip, Fillip, 1. Of smooth, fluent, and rapid speech; speaking with ease and rapidity; having a voluble tongue; talkative. It becometh good men, in such cases, to be flippant and free in their
    A droll. Glanvill.
    Given to jokes and jesting; containing a joke, or abounding in jokes; merry; sportive; humorous. To quit their austerity and be jocose and pleasant with an adversary. Shaftesbury. All . . . jocose or comical airs should be excluded. I. Watts. Syn.
    Somewhat droll. Sterne.
    Full of spirit or of life; earnest; vivacious; lively; brisk; nimble; gay. -- Spright"ful*ly, adv. Shak. -- Spright"ful*ness, n. Spoke like a sprightful gentlemen. Shak. Steeds sprightful as the light. Cowley.
    Fitted to excite laughter; as, a laughable story; a laughable scene. Syn. -- Droll; ludicrous; mirthful; comical. See Droll, and Ludicrous. -- Laugh"a*ble*ness, n. -- Laugh"a*bly, adv.
    The quality or state of being wanton; negligence of restraint; sportiveness; recklessness; lasciviousness. Gower. The tumults threatened to abuse all acts of grace, and turn them into wantonness. Eikon Basilike. Young gentlemen would be as sad as
    In a blithe manner.
    1. Capriciously; whimsically. We resolve rashly, sillily, or humorously. Calamy. 2. Facetiously; wittily.
    Amusing; entertaining. -- Di*vert"ing*ly, adv. -- Di*vert"ing*ness, n.
    Making or producing mirth; convivial; jolly.
    Not to be diverted or turned aside. Lamb.


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