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Word Meanings - STEAMBOAT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A boat or vessel propelled by steam power; -- generally used of river or coasting craft, as distinguished from ocean steamers.

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    1. Relating to, or characterized by, craft or skill; dexterous. "Crafty work." Piers Plowman. 2. Possessing dexterity; skilled; skillful. A noble crafty man of trees. Wyclif. 3. Skillful at deceiving others; characterized by craft; cunning; wily.
    Large; capacious; -- said of veins of ore. Syn. -- Mighty; strong; potent; forcible; efficacious; energetic; intense. -- Pow"er*ful*ly, adv. -- Pow"er*ful*ness, n. (more info) 1. Full of power; capable of producing great effects of any
    1. Capable of being effected or accomplished by the application of power; possible. J. Young. 2. Capable of exerting power; powerful. Camden.
    1. One who, or that which, propels. 2. A contrivance for propelling a steam vessel, usually consisting of a screw placed in the stern under water, and made to revolve by an engine; a propeller wheel. 3. A steamboat thus propelled; a screw steamer.
    a creator of great skill in the manual arts. Syn. -- craftsman.
    One who rives or splits.
    smoke, odor; akin to D. stoom steam, perhaps originally, a pillar, or 1. The elastic, aƫriform fluid into which water is converted when heated to the boiling points; water in the state of vapor. 2. The mist formed by condensed vapor;
    A rivulet. Sylvester.
    Without craft or cunning. Helpless, craftless, and innocent people. Jer. Taylor.
    Dexterity in devising and effecting a purpose; cunning; artifice; stratagem. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. Job. v. 13.
    1. The whole body of salt water which covers more than three fifths of the surface of the globe; -- called also the sea, or great sea. Like the odor of brine from the ocean Comes the thought of other years. Longfellow. 2. One of the large bodies
    A boat or vessel propelled by steam power; -- generally used of river or coasting craft, as distinguished from ocean steamers.
    Sailing along or near a coast, or running between ports along a coast. Coasting trade, trade carried on by water between neighboring ports of the same country, as distinguished fron foreign trade or trade involving long voyages. -- Coasting vessel,
    di- = dis- + stinguere to quench, extinguish; prob. orig., to prick, and so akin to G. stechen, E. stick, and perh. sting. Cf. 1. Not set apart from others by visible marks; to make distinctive or discernible by exhibiting differences; to mark
    Having rivers; as, a rivery country. Drayton.
    A rivulet. Drayton.
    As much as a vessel will hold; enough to fill a vessel.
    1. Capable of being distinguished; separable; divisible; discernible; capable of recognition; as, a tree at a distance is distinguishable from a shrub. A simple idea being in itself uncompounded . . . is not distinguishable into different ideas.
    1. The side of a thing. Sir I. Newton. 2. The exterior line, limit, or border of a country; frontier border. From the river, the river Euphrates, even to the uttermost sea, shall your coast be. Deut. xi. 24. 3. The seashore, or land near it.
    Observation of difference; distinction. Graunt.
    To distinguish by a contrast of opposite qualities. These are our complex ideas of soul and body, as contradistinguished. Locke.
    Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct; hence, not capable of being perceived or known; as, in the distance the flagship was indisguishable; the two copies were indisguishable in form
    The craft of kings; the art of governing as a sovereign; royal policy. Prescott.
    Illuminating power, as of a lamp, or gas flame, reckoned in terms of the light of a standard candle.
    1. Art or skill of the mind; contrivance; invention; wit. Camden. 2. The art of reasoning; logic.
    Making no difference; indiscriminative; impartial; as, indistinguishing liberalities. Johnson.
    A vessel, cell, duct, or tube containing or conducting air; as the air vessels of insects, birds, plants, etc.; the air vessel of a pump, engine, etc. For the latter, see Air chamber. The air vessels of insects are called tracheƦ, of plants spiral
    1. Penmanship; skill in writing; chirography. 2. The art of composing or writing; authorship. I would not give a groat for that person's knowledge in pencraft. S
    Astrology. Tennyson.
    1. The practices or art of witches; sorcery; enchantments; intercourse with evil spirits. 2. Power more than natural; irresistible influence. He hath a witchcraft Over the king in 's tongue. Shak.
    The inherent power of a government to regulate its police affairs. The term police power is not definitely fixed in meaning. In the earlier cases in the United States it was used as including the whole power of internal government, or the powers


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