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Word Meanings - STIFLED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Stifling. The close and stifled study. Hawthorne.

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    One who mutters.
    Stifling. The close and stifled study. Hawthorne.
    One who suppresses.
    In an inarticulate manner. Hammond.
    1. Not uttered with articulation or intelligible distinctness, as speech or words. Music which is inarticulate poesy. Dryden. Not jointed or articulated; having no distinct body segments; as, an inarticulate worm. Without a hinge; -- said of an
    Low; indistinct; inarticulate. -- Mum"bling*ly, adv.
    Not articulated; not jointed or connected by a joint.
    1. To wrap up in something that conceals or protects; to wrap, as the face and neck, in thick and disguishing folds; hence, to conceal or cover the face of; to envelop; to inclose; -- often with up. South. The face lies muffled up within
    With a low voice and indistinct articulation; in a muttering manner.
    1. To speak with the lips partly closed, so as to render the sounds inarticulate and imperfect; to utter words in a grumbling indistinct manner, indicating discontent or displeasure; to mutter. Peace, you mumbling fool. Shak. A wrinkled hag, with
    The joint next above the hock, and near the flank, in the hind leg of the horse and allied animals; the joint corresponding to the knee in man; -- called also stifle joint. See Illust. under Horse. Stifle bone, a small bone at the stifle joint;
    Complete stoppage of a natural secretion or excretion; as, suppression of urine; -- used in contradiction to retention, which signifies that the secretion or excretion is retained without expulsion. Quain. (more info) 1. The act of suppressing,
    Not audible; incapable of being heard; silent. -- In*au"di*ble*ness, n. -- In*au"di*bly, adv.
    See CAMOUFLET (more info) 1. One who, or that which, stifles.
    Tending to suppress; subduing; concealing.
    The state or quality of being inarticulate.
    A talebearer.
    That may be suppressed.
    1. To overpower and crush; to subdue; to put down; to quell. Every rebellion, when it is suppressed, doth make the subject weaker, and the prince stronger. Sir J. Davies. 2. To keep in; to restrain from utterance or vent; as, to suppress the voice;
    Etym: 1. To utter words indistinctly or with a low voice and lips partly closed; esp., to utter indistinct complains or angry expressions; to grumble; to growl. Wizards that peep, and that mutter. Is. viii. 19. Meantime your filthy foreigner will
    That can not be suppressed or concealed; irrepressible. Young. -- In`sup*press"i*bly, adv.
    Insuppressible. "The insuppressive mettle of our spirits." Shak.
    To cover as with a muffler; to wrap up. Bemuffled with the externals of religion. Sterne.


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