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Word Meanings - STINT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Any one of several species of small sandpipers, as the sanderling of Europe and America, the dunlin, the little stint of India (Tringa minuta), etc. Called also pume. A phalarope.

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    Without stint or restraint. The stintlesstears of old Heraclitus. Marston.
    Of or pertaining to, or producing, inhibition; consisting in inhibition; tending or serving to inhibit; as, the inhibitory action of the pneumogastric on the respiratory center. I would not have you consider these criticisms as inhibitory. Lamb.
    Capable of being restrained; controllable. Sir T. Browne.
    The act of retaining; retention. Dr. H. More.
    Disposed to yield or comply. -- Yield"a*ble*ness, n. Bp. Hall.
    Formal declination to take out letters of administration, or to assume an office, privilege, or right. Syn. -- Renouncement; disownment; disavowal; disavowment; disclaimer; rejection; abjuration; recantation; denial; abandonment; relinquishment.
    1. The act of producing; yield; as, the yieldance of the earth. Bp. Hall. 2. The act of yielding; concession. South.
    A stopping or checking of an already present action; a restraining of the function of an organ, or an agent, as a digestive fluid or ferment, etc.; as, the inhibition of the respiratory center by the pneumogastric nerve; the inhibition of reflexes,
    In an acquiescent manner.
    Detention. Blackstone.
    Inclined to give way, or comply; flexible; compliant; accommodating; as, a yielding temper. Yielding and paying , the initial words of that clause in leases in which the rent to be paid by the lessee is mentioned and reserved. Burrill. Syn. --
    1. To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discontent (usually implying previous opposition or discontent); to accept or consent by silence or by omitting to object; -- followed by in, formerly also by with
    With restraint. Hammond.
    1. To keep away from; to avoid; to abstain from; to give up; as, to forbear the use of a word of doubdtful propriety. But let me that plunder forbear. Shenstone. The King In open battle or the tilting field Forbore his own advantage. Tennyson.
    1. To hold back; to restrain; to keep from action. Withhold, O sovereign prince, your hasty hand From knitting league with him. Spenser. 2. To retain; to keep back; not to grant; as, to withhold assent to a proposition. Forbid who will, none shall
    1. To belong; to pertain. A somewhat languid relish, retaining to bitterness. Boyle. 2. To keep; to continue; to remain. Donne.
    1. To check; to hold back; to restrain; to hinder. Their motions also are excited or inhibited . . . by the objects without them. Bentley. 2. To forbid; to prohibit; to interdict. All men were inhibited, by proclamation, at the dissolution, so
    One who yields. Shak.
    restringere, restrictum; pref. re- re- + stringere to draw, bind, or 1. To draw back again; to hold back from acting, proceeding, or advancing, either by physical or moral force, or by any interposing obstacle; to repress or suppress; to keep down;
    The act of withholding.
    pay, give, restore, make an offering; akin to OFries. jelda, OS. geldan, D. gelden to cost, to be worth, G. gelten, OHG. geltan to pay, restore, make an offering, be worth, Icel. gjalda to pay, give up, Dan. gielde to be worth, Sw. gälla to be
    One who immigrates; one who comes to a country for the purpose of permanent residence; -- correlative of emigrant. Syn. -- See Emigrant.
    1. Flaming; inflamed; glowing; burning; ardent. The beadle's lash still flagrant on their back. Prior. A young man yet flagrant from the lash of the executioner or the beadle. De Quincey. Flagrant desires and affections. Hooker. 2. Actually in
    Making part of a whole; necessary to constitute an entire thing; integral. Boyle. All these are integrant parts of the republic. Burke. Integrant parts, or particles, of bodies, those smaller particles into which a body may be reduced without loss
    State of being vagrant; vagrancy.
    The act of renouncing, or setting aside, one's own wishes, claims, etc.; self-sacrifice.
    fragrance: cf. OF. fragrant. Affecting the olfactory nerves agreeably; sweet of smell; odorous; having or emitting an agreeable perfume. Fragrant the fertile earth After soft showers. Milton. Syn. -- Sweet-smelling; odorous; odoriferous;


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