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Word Meanings - SUPPER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A meal taken at the close of the day; the evening meal. Note: Supper is much used in an obvious sense, either adjectively or as the first part of a compound; as, supper time or supper-time, supper bell, supper hour, etc. (more info) originally

Additional info about word: SUPPER

A meal taken at the close of the day; the evening meal. Note: Supper is much used in an obvious sense, either adjectively or as the first part of a compound; as, supper time or supper-time, supper bell, supper hour, etc. (more info) originally an infinitive, to sup, take a meal. See Soup, and cf. Sup

Related words: (words related to SUPPER)

    A faculty, possessed by animals, of perceiving external objects by means of impressions made upon certain organs (sensory or sense organs) of the body, or of perceiving changes in the condition of the body; as, the senses of sight, smell, hearing,
    Having equanimity.
    Sw. & Dan. förste, OHG. furist, G. fürst prince; a superlatiye form 1. Preceding all others of a series or kind; the ordinal of one; earliest; as, the first day of a month; the first year of a reign. 2. Foremost; in front of, or in advance of,
    1. That which comes, arrives, or happens; that which falls out; any incident, good or bad. "The events of his early years." Macaulay. To watch quietly the course of events. Jowett There is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked. Eccl. ix.
    Covetous; penurious; stingy; closefisted. -- Close"hand`ed*ness, n.
    The act of eventilating; discussion. Bp. Berkely.
    A Jacobite who favored the restoration of James II, on condition of a general amnesty and of guarantees for the security of the civil and ecclesiastical constitution of the realm. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, compounds or mixes; as, a
    That may be compounded.
    A system of control in which a separate manipulation, as of a rudder, may be effected by either of two movements, in different directions, of a single lever, etc.
    Covetous; niggardly. Bp. Berkeley. "Closefisted contractors." Hawthorne.
    Full of, or rich in, events or incidents; as, an eventful journey; an eventful period of history; an eventful period of life.
    The time of evening; evening. Spenser.
    A meal taken at the close of the day; the evening meal. Note: Supper is much used in an obvious sense, either adjectively or as the first part of a compound; as, supper time or supper-time, supper bell, supper hour, etc. (more info) originally
    1. Opposing; fronting. To the evil turn My obvious breast. Milton. 2. Exposed; subject; open; liable. "Obvious to dispute." Milton. 3. Easily discovered, seen, or understood; readily perceived by the eye or the intellect; plain; evident;
    to G. schliessen to shut, and to E. clot, cloister, clavicle, 1. To stop, or fill up, as an opening; to shut; as, to close the eyes; to close a door. 2. To bring together the parts of; to consolidate; as, to close the ranks of an army; -- often
    A tumor containing a large portion of the abdominal viscera, occasioned by relaxation of the walls of the abdomen. A wound, of large extent, in the abdomen, through which the greater part of the intestines protrude. The act af disemboweling.
    Of the best class; of the highest rank; in the first division; of the best quality; first-rate; as, a first-class telescope. First- class car or First-class railway carriage, any passenger car of the highest regular class, and intended
    To make close.
    The last stone in a horizontal course, if of a less size than the others, or a piece of brick finishing a course. Gwilt. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, closes; specifically, a boot closer. See under Boot. 2. A finisher; that which finishes
    Barriers with loopholes, formerly erected on the deck of a vessel to shelter the men in a close engagement with an enemy's boarders; -- called also close quarters.
    Not preventable; invitable.
    To make to understand; to instruct. Halliwell.
    That which prevents; -- incorrectly used instead of preventive.
    1. To open; to separate the parts of; as, to unclose a letter; to unclose one's eyes. 2. To disclose; to lay open; to reveal.
    To inclose. See Inclose.
    A screen separating a chapel from the body of the church. Hook.
    A week; any period of seven consecutive days and nights. See Sennight.
    The act of revendicating. Vattel
    The state or quality of being impreventable.
    The act of going before; anticipation.
    One who, or that which, incloses; one who fences off land from common grounds.


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