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Word Meanings - TOMNODDY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A sea bird, the puffin. 2. A fool; a dunce; a noddy.

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    The quality or state of being puffy.
    1. A simpleton; a fool. L'Estrange. Any tern of the genus Anous, as A. stolidus. The arctic fulmar . Sometimes also applied to other sea birds. 3. An old game at cards. Halliwell. 4. A small two-wheeled one-horse vehicle. 5. An inverted pendulum
    One backward in book learning; a child or other person dull or weak in intellect; a dullard; a dolt. I never knew this town without dunces of figure. Swift. Note: The schoolmen were often called, after their great leader Duns Scotus, Dunsmen or
    a. & n. from Puff, v. i. & t. Puffing adder. Same as Puff adder , under Puff. -- Puffing pig , the common porpoise.
    An arctic sea bird Fratercula arctica) allied to the auks, and having a short, thick, swollen beak, whence the name; -- called also bottle nose, cockandy, coulterneb, marrot, mormon, pope, and sea parrot. Note: The name is also applied to other
    The realm or domain of dunces. Carlyle.
    Dullness; stupidity.
    In a puffing manner; with vehement breathing or shortness of breath; with exaggerated praise.
    A sea bird, the puffin. 2. A fool; a dunce; a noddy.


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