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Word Meanings - WHISPERINGLY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

In a whisper, or low voice; in a whispering manner; with whispers. Tennyson.

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    One addicted to mannerism; a person who, in action, bearing, or treatment, carries characteristic peculiarities to excess. See citation under Mannerism.
    Adherence to a peculiar style or manner; a characteristic mode of action, bearing, or treatment, carried to excess, especially in literature or art. Mannerism is pardonable,and is sometimes even agreeable, when the manner, though vicious, is natural
    1. One who whispers. 2. A tattler; one who tells secrets; a conveyer of intelligence secretly; hence; a backbiter; one who slanders secretly. Prov. xvi.
    Icel. hviskra, Sw. hviska, Dan. hviske; of imitative origin. Cf. 1. To speak softly, or under the breath, so as to be heard only by one near at hand; to utter words without sonant breath; to talk without that vibration in the larynx which gives
    Having a voice or vocal quality; having a loud voice or many voices; vocal; sounding. Beheld the Iliad and the Odyssey Rise to the swelling of the voiceful sea. Coleridge.
    Of or pertaining to Alfred Tennyson, the English poet ; resembling, or having some of the characteristics of, his poetry, as simplicity, pictorial quality, sensuousness, etc.
    In a whisper, or low voice; in a whispering manner; with whispers. Tennyson.
    The quality or state of being mannerly; civility; complaisance. Sir M. Hale.
    a. & n. from Whisper. v. t. Whispering gallery, or Whispering dome, one of such a form that sounds produced in certain parts of it are concentrated by reflection from the walls to another part, so that whispers or feeble sounds are audible at a
    1. Having a certain way, esp a. polite way, of carrying and conducting one's self. Give her princely training, that she may be Mannered as she is born. Shak. 2. Affected with mannerism; marked by excess of some characteristic peculiarity. His style
    manual, skillful, handy, fr. LL. manarius, for L. manuarius 1. Mode of action; way of performing or effecting anything; method; style; form; fashion. The nations which thou hast removed, and placed in the cities of Samaria, know not the manner
    A German men's chorus or singing club.
    Showing good manners; civil; respectful; complaisant. What thou thinkest meet, and is most mannerly. Shak.
    Uttered with voice; pronounced with vibrations of the vocal cords; sonant; -- said of a sound uttered with the glottis narrowed. Voiced stop, Voice stop , a stopped consonant made with tone from the larynx while the mouth organs are closed at some
    Not sounded with voice; as, a voiceless consonant; surd. Voiceless stop , a consonant made with no audible sound except in the transition to or from another sound; a surd mute, as p, t, k. -- Voice"less*ly, adv. -- Voice"less*ness, n. (more info)
    Sound of the kind or quality heard in speech or song in the consonants b, v, d, etc., and in the vowels; sonant, or intonated, utterance; tone; -- distinguished from mere breath sound as heard in f, s, sh, etc., and also whisper. Note: Voice, in
    A written account of the particulars of merchandise shipped or sent to a purchaser, consignee, factor, etc., with the value or prices and charges annexed. Wharton. 2. The lot or set of goods as shipped or received; as, the merchant receives a large
    Not mannerly; ill-bred; rude. -- adv.
    In an excessive manner; excessively. Wiclif.
    To exceed in noise. Shak.
    Impolite; rude.
    Having a loud voice; noisy; clamorous. Byron.
    Polite; well-bred; complaisant; courteous. Dryden.
    To refurnish with a voice; to refit, as an organ pipe, so as to restore its tone.


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