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Word Meanings - YOUNGGER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One who is younger; an inferior in age; a junior. "The elder shall serve the younger." Rom. ix. 12.

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    A boat. thrust the shallop from the floating strand. Spenser. Note: The term shallop is applied to boats of all sizes, from a light canoe up to a large boat with masts and sails.
    In an inferior manner, or on the inferior part.
    Somewhat old; advanced beyond middle age; bordering on old age; as, elderly people.
    1. One who serves. 2. A tray for dishes; a salver. Randolph.
    A thin, loosely woven, twilled worsted stuff. In blue shalloon shall Hannibal be clad. Swift.
    A person lower in station, rank, intellect, etc., than another. A great person gets more by obliging his inferior than by disdaining him. South.
    Weak in intellect; foolish; empty-headed. South.
    The berrylike drupe of the elder. That of the Old World elder and that of the American sweet elder are sweetish acid, and are eaten as a berry or made into wine.
    The state of being inferior; a lower state or condition; as, inferiority of rank, of talents, of age, of worth. A deep sense of our own great inferiority. Boyle.
    1. Older; more aged, or existing longer. Let the elder men among us emulate their own earlier deeds. Jowett 2. Born before another; prior in years; senior; earlier; older; as, his elder brother died in infancy; -- opposed to Ant: younger, and now
    Made of elder. He would discharge us as boys do eldern guns. Marston.
    Having a flush deck, or with only a moderate depression amidships; -- said of a vessel.
    schalowe, probably originally, sloping or shelving; cf. Icel. skjalgr wry, squinting, AS. sceolh, D. & G. scheel, OHG. schelah. Cf. Shelve 1. Not deep; having little depth; shoal. "Shallow brooks, and rivers wide." Milton. 2. Not deep in tone.
    A small kind of onion growing in clusters, and ready for gathering in spring; a scallion, or eschalot.
    1. A younger person. His junior she, by thirty years. Byron. 2. Hence: One of a lower or later standing; specifically, in American colleges, one in the third year of his course, one in the fourth or final year being designated a senior; in some
    sholde, scholde, AS. scal, sceal, I am obliged, imp. scolde, sceolde, inf. sculan; akin to OS. skulan, pres. skal, imp. skolda, D. zullen, pres. zal, imp. zoude, zou, OHG. solan, scolan, pres. scal, sol. imp. scolta, solta, G. sollen, pres. soll,
    Quality or state of being shallow.
    a servant or slave, servare to protect, preserve, observe; cf. Zend har to protect, haurva protecting. Cf. Conserve, Desert merit, 1. To work for; to labor in behalf of; to exert one's self continuously or statedly for the benefit of; to do service
    To fail to serve; to do injury or mischief to; to damage; to hurt; to harm. Have neither served nor disserved the interests of any party. Jer. Taylor. (more info) Etym:
    1. To keep back; to retain; not to deliver, make over, or disclose. "I have reserved to myself nothing." Shak. 2. Hence, to keep in store for future or special use; to withhold from present use for another purpose or time; to keep; to retain. Gen.
    To observe inaccurately; to mistake in observing. Locke.
    To be of use to an end; to serve.
    1. To earn by service; to be worthy of (something due, either good or evil); to merit; to be entitled to; as, the laborer deserves his wages; a work of value deserves praise. God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. Job xi. 6. John
    One of no merit; one who is nor deserving or worthy. Shak.
    To deprive of an elder or elders, or of the office of an elder. Fuller.
    One who gelds or castrates.
    According to desert ; justly.


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