: Love Letters To The Dead Novel plot and novel summary. What is Love Letters To The Dead Novel about
Love Letters to the DeadEpistolary novel
Realistic fictionPublishedFarrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR), New York
Hardcover March 2014
Ebook March 2014
Paperback September 2015Pages336ISBN9780374346676
Love Letters to the Dead (2014) is the first novel by American author Ava Dellaira, published in 2014. This is a young adult novel told through a series of letters written by a girl named Laurel who is grieving the recent mysterious death of her sister May. The novel is set in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Laurel has just started class at a new high school. She is a quiet student who still dresses like she's in middle school. Mrs. Buster, her English teacher, gives the class an assignment to write a letter to a dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt Cobain and begins an ongoing relationship with the other dead people. "Confiding in dead geniuses helps a teen process her grief and rage."
At the new school, Laurel makes friends and continues to write letters to dead people documenting the changes in her life as well as sharing her confusion and grief over the loss of her older sister.
Subplots include the rocky love story of Natalie who loves Hannah and is not afraid of acknowledging her sexual orientation, and Hannah's conflict in admitting she has an attraction to Natalie; dating heavily and experimenting sexually with boys in attempt to cover her desire to be with Natalie. There is also the relationship/love stories of Laurel and Sky, Laurel's mother and father, Tristan and Kristan, Laurel and May, May and her progressively older and shadier boyfriends, and Aunt Amy and "the Jesus man" (a very religious seeming man).
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