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: Criminal Sociology by Ferri Enrico - Criminals; Crime; Criminal anthropology; Punishment Crime Nonfiction
PAGE THE DATA OF CRIMINAL ANTHROPOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
<p x> PAGE the occasional and the born criminal, 41--Criminal types shade into each other, 44--Numbers of several classes of criminals, 46-- Value of a proper classification of criminals, 47--A fourfold classification, 48.
THE DATA OF CRIMINAL STATISTICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
<p xi> PAGE
drink, 121--Social amelioration a substitute for penal law, 121-- Social legislation and crime, 122--Political amelioration as a preventive of crime, 124--Decentralisation a preventive, 126-- Legal and administrative preventives, 128--Prisoners' Aid Societies, 130--Education and crime, 130--Popular entertainments and crime, 131--Physical education as a remedy for crime, 131--To diminish crime its causes must be eliminated, 132--The aim and scope of penal substitutes, 134--Difficulty of applying penal substitutes, 137--Difference between social and police prevention, 139--Limited efficacy of punishment, 140--Summary of conclusions, 141.
PRACTICAL REFORMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
DURING the past twelve or fourteen years Italy has poured forth a stream of new ideas on the subject of crime and criminals; and only the short-sightedness of her enemies or the vanity of her flatterers can fail to recognise in this stream something more than the outcome of individual labours.
A new departure in science is a simple phenomenon of nature, determined in its origin and progress, like all such phenomena, by conditions of time and place. Attention must be drawn to these conditions at the outset, for it is only by accurately defining them that the scientific conscience of the student of sociology is developed and confirmed.
The experimental philosophy of the latter half of our century, combined with human biology and psychology, and with the natural study of human society, had already produced an intellectual atmosphere decidedly favourable to a practical inquiry into the criminal manifestations of individual and social life.<p xv> <p xvi>
To these general conditions must be added the plain and everyday contrast between the metaphysical perfection of criminal law and the progressive increase of crime, as well as the contrast between legal theories of crime and the study of the mental characteristics of a large number of criminals.
From this point onwards, nothing could be more natural than the rise of a new school, whose object was to make an experimental study of social pathology in respect of its criminal symptoms, in order to bring theories of crime and punishment into harmony with everyday facts. This is the positive school of criminal law, whereof the fundamental purpose is to study the natural genesis of criminality in the criminal, and in the physical and social conditions of his life, so as to apply the most effectual remedies to the various causes of crime.
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