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Release date: August 25, 2023
Original publication: US:
BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, Professor of Diseases of Women.
Office, 129 Liberty street.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1847, by JOSEPH TROW, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District New York.
The "Introduction" in the succeeding pages, being amply explanatory, but few prefatory words will suffice. The object and intention of the work is manifest and self-evident.
It is to extend to every female, whether wife, mother or daughter, such information as will best qualify her to judge of her own maladies, and, having ascertained their existence, apply the proper remedies.
From these pages she will learn the causes, the symptoms and the remedies, for such complaints to which she may be liable, the nature of which she may not desire to impart to another.
Whether married or unmarried, she can, from these pages, compare her own symptoms with those described, and act in accordance with the mode of treatment prescribed. She will thereby be exempt from those doubts, perplexities and anxieties, which arise from ignorance of her situation, or the causes which produce it.
In short, the author sincerely believes that to the female budding into womanhood,--to one about to become a wife, or to the wife about becoming a mother, as well as to every one already a wife and a mother, as also to the female in the decline of years, in whom nature contemplates an important change, the "Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" contains instructions of such paramount importance, as to embrace the present happiness and future welfare of each.
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