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An Expedition into Lake Huron--The British had the Best of it in the End--Gallant Action of a British Commander at the Head of the Niagara River--Cautious Captain Chauncey as a Knight of the Whip-saw, Adze, and Maul--His Equally Prudent Opponent--British Torpedoes that Failed--When a Thousand Men Supported by Seven Ships Armed with One Hundred and Twenty-one Cannon "with Great Gallantry" Routed Three Hundred Yankees at Oswego--Supplies the British did not Get--A Naval Flotilla Caught in Big Sandy Creek--Chauncey Afloat on the Lake--Gallant Young American Officers--Line-of-battle Ships that were Never Launched.

Character of the Red-coated Invaders--"Shamed the Most Ferocious Barbarians of Antiquity"--Work of the Youthful Yankee Lieutenant Macdonough to Stay the Tide on Lake Champlain--Ship-building at Otter Creek--A British Attempt against the New Vessels Repulsed--The British Ship-builders at Isle-Aux-Noix--A Comparison of Forces Before the Battle--Macdonough's Foresight in Choosing the Battle-ground--Macdonough as a Seaman.

A Typical Story of the Life of an American Seaman who was Impressed in 1810 and Allowed to Become a Prisoner when War was Declared--Luck in Escaping a Flogging--Letters to his Father Destroyed--British Regard for the Man's Rights when the American Government Took up the Case--A Narragansett Indian Impressed--To Dartmoor Prison--Mustered Naked Men in the Snows of Winter and Kept them in Rooms where Buckets of Water Froze Solid--Murder of Prisoners Six Weeks After it was Officially Known that the Treaty of Peace had been Ratified--Notable Self-restraint of the Americans--Smoothed Over with a Disavowal.

Traditions of Personal Combats that Illustrate, in a Way, a Part of the Life Led by the Old Time Naval Officers--When an Englishman did not Get "a Yankee for Breakfast"--They were Offended by the Names of the Yankee Ships--Somers was Able to Prove that he was not Devoid of Courage--The Fate of Decatur, the Most Famous of the Navy's Duellists.

A Breed of Cowardly Cutthroats Legitimately Descended from the Licensed Privateers and Nourished under the Peculiar Conditions of Climate, Geography, and Governmental Anarchy Prevailing Around and in the Caribbean Sea--Commodore Perry Loses his Life Because of them--William Howard Allen Killed--Pirate Caves with the Bones of Dead in them--Porto Rico Treachery--The Unfortunate Foxardo Affair--Making the Coasts of Sumatra and Africa Safe for American Traders.

Supposing the British would Sweep the American Navy from the Seas during the War of 1812, the Dey of Algiers went Cruising for Yankee Ships, and Got One, while Tunis and Tripoli Gave up to the British the Prizes that a Yankee Privateer had Made--The Algerian was Humbled After he had Lost Two War-ships, and the others Made Peace on the Yankees' Terms without the Firing of a Gun--Bravery of the Pirate Admiral and his Crew.

Commodore Matthew C. Perry and the First American Treaty with Japan--An Exhibition of Power and Dignity that Won the Respect of a Nation that had been Justified in its Contempt for Civilized Greed--Services of Naval Officers that are not Well Known and have never been Fully Appreciated by the Nation.






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