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: The history of our Navy from its origin to the present day 1775-1897 vol. 4 (of 4) by Spears John Randolph - United States. Navy History; United States. Navy History Spanish-American War 1898
Lincoln's Proclamation--It was Something of a Task to Close 185 Inlets and Patrol 11,953 Miles of Sea-beaches, especially with the Force of Ships in Hand--One Merchant's Notion of the Efficiency of Thirty Sailing Vessels--Gathering and Building Blockaders-- Incentives and Favoring Circumstances for Blockade-runners--When Perjury Failed and Uncle Sam was Able to Strike without Waiting for Act of Congress--When Blockade-runners Came to New York and Yankee Smokeless Coal was in Demand.
Effective Work Done by Southern Naval Officers who Continued to Wear the National Uniform that they might the more Readily Betray the National Government--The Secretary of the Navy was Deceived and the Commandant at Norfolk Demoralized--William Mahone's Tricks Added to the Demoralization at the Yard, and it was Abandoned at Last in a Shameful Panic--Property that was Worth Millions of Dollars, and Guns that Took Thousands of Lives, Fell into the Confederates' Hands--The First Naval Battle of the War--Three Little Wooden Vessels with Seven Small Guns Sent against a Well-built Fort Mounting Thirteen Guns--The Hazardous Work of Patrolling the Potomac.
An Expedition Planned by the Navy Department that Resulted in the First Federal Victory of the Civil War--An Awkward Landing Followed by Ineffectual Fire from Ships under Way--One Fort Taken and Abandoned--Anchored beyond Range of the Fort and Compelled Surrender by Means of the Big Pivot Guns--A Wearisome Race from Chicamicomico to Hatteras Lighthouse Won by the Federals--Capture of Roanoke Island--Origin of the American Medal of Honor.
Capt. Charles Wilkes, of the American Navy, Took Four Confederate Diplomatic Agents from a British Ship Bound on a Regular Voyage between Neutral Parts, and without any Judicial Proceeding Cast them into a Military Prison--A Case that Created Great Excitement Throughout the Civilized World--A Swift Demand, with a Threat of War Added, Made by the British--Comparing this Case with another of Like Nature--The United States once Went to War to Establish the Principle which Captain Wilkes Ignored--The British Officially Acknowledge that the Americans were Justified in Declaring War in 1812.
A Fleet of Seventeen Ships, Carrying 155 Guns, Sent to Take a Harbor that would Make a Convenient Naval Station for the Atlantic Blockaders--There were Two "Exceedingly Well-built Earthworks" "Rather Heavily Armed" Defending the Channel, but one Part of the Squadron Attacked them in Front, another Enfiladed them, and in Less than Five Hours the Confederates Fled for Life--A Heavy Gale Weathered with Small Loss--Interesting Incidents of the Battle.
Creating a Fleet for the Opening of the Water Route across the Confederacy--Ironclads that were not Shot-proof, but Fairly Efficient nevertheless--Guns that Burst and Boilers that were Searched by Shot from the Enemy--When Grant Retreated and was Covered by a Gunboat--First View of Torpedoes--Capture of Fort Henry--A Disastrous Attack on Fort Donelson--When Walke Braved the Batteries at Island No. 10--The Confederate Defence Squadron at Fort Pillow--The First Battle of Steam Rams--Frightful Effects of Bursted Boilers--In the White River--Farragut Appears.
A Formidable Warship was Built under Remarkable Conditions to Enable the Confederates to Regain Control of the Inland Waters of North Carolina--Very Successful at First, but she was Laid up to Await the Building of another One, and then came Cushing with his Little Torpedo Boat, and the Confederate Hopes were Destroyed with their Ship.
It was One of the Best Works in the South, though not well Located-- Butler's Powder-boat Scheme, and what he Expected to Accomplish by it--Throwing 15,000 Shells at the Fort Disabled Eight Great Guns out of a Total of Thirty-eight--Butler Thought the Fort still too Strong and would not Try--He did not even Make Intrenchments According to Orders--Gen. A. H. Terry, with 6,000 Soldiers and 2,000 from the Ships, Easily Took the Fort Three Weeks Later--The Navy's Last Fight in the Civil War.
The Folly of Allowing other Nations to Experiment for us--In Spite of what we Learned from their Mistakes, we were Unable, when we First Began for ourselves, to Build even a First-class Cruiser--The Result of Ten Years of Earnest Work--Battle-ships whose Power is Conceded by Foreign Writers--Cruisers that Awakened the Pride of the Nation-- Three "Newfangled Notions"--A Yankee Admiral at Rio Janeiro and a Yankee Lieutenant on the Coast of Mexico--The One Important Fact about the New Navy.
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