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Word Meanings - BILLABONG - Book Publishers vocabulary database

In Australia, a blind channel leading out from a river; -- sometimes called an anabranch. This is the sense of the word as used in the Public Works Department; but the term has also been locally applied to mere back-waters forming stagnant pools

Additional info about word: BILLABONG

In Australia, a blind channel leading out from a river; -- sometimes called an anabranch. This is the sense of the word as used in the Public Works Department; but the term has also been locally applied to mere back-waters forming stagnant pools and to certain water channels arising from a source.

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    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    The dress prescribed for any body of men, academical, municipal, or sacerdotal. The doctors attending her in their formalities as far as Shotover. Fuller. 6. That which is formal; the formal part. It unties the inward knot of marriage, . . . while
    The great band commissural fibers which unites the two cerebral hemispheres. See corpus callosum, under Carpus.
    1. Destitute of feathers; naked; unfledged. An in the leafy summit, spied a nest, Which, o'er the callow young, a sparrow pressed. Dryden. 2. Immature; boyish; "green"; as, a callow youth. I perceive by this, thou art but a callow maid. Old Play .
    Capable of being applied; fit or suitable to be applied; having relevance; as, this observation is applicable to the case under consideration. -- Ap"pli*ca*ble*ness, n. -- Ap"pli*ca*bly, adv.
    A kind of head covering; a caul. Chaucer.
    A faculty, possessed by animals, of perceiving external objects by means of impressions made upon certain organs (sensory or sense organs) of the body, or of perceiving changes in the condition of the body; as, the senses of sight, smell, hearing,
    1. With exposure to popular view or notice; without concealment; openly; as, property publicly offered for sale; an opinion publicly avowed; a declaration publicly made. 2. In the name of the community. Addison.
    same as Advancing edge, above.
    In Great Britain, any of various schools maintained by the community, wholly or partly under public control, or maintained largely by endowment and not carried on chiefly for profit; specif., and commonly, any of various select and usually
    The nest or dwelling of a swarm of ants; an ant-hill.
    To reduce to a formula; to formulate. Emerson.
    Having of being applied or used; applying; applicatory; practical. Bramhall. -- Ap"pli*ca*tive*ly, adv.
    A corporation, such as a railroad company, lighting company, water company, etc., organized or chartered to follow a public calling or to render services more or less essential to the general public convenience or safety.
    A play in which one person is blindfolded, and tries to catch some one of the company and tell who it is. Surely he fancies I play at blindman's buff with him, for he thinks I never have my eyes open. Stillingfleet.
    In time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.
    1. The quality or state of being public, or open to the view or notice of people at large; publicity; notoriety; as, the publicness of a sale. 2. The quality or state of belonging to the community; as, the publicness of property. Boyle.
    The quality or state of being applicable.
    1. Formerly; sometime. That fair and warlike form In which the majesty of buried Denmark Did sometimes march. Shak. 2. At times; at intervals; now and then;occasionally. It is good that we sometimes be contradicted. Jer. Taylor. Sometimes . . .
    1. Act of departing; departure. Sudden departments from one extreme to another. Wotton. 2. A part, portion, or subdivision. 3. A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like; appointed sphere or walk; province. Superior to Pope in Pope's
    Want of regular form; shapelessness.
    Having the shape of a scithe or sickle; resembling a reaping hook; as, the falciform ligatment of the liver.
    The condition or quality of having every form. Dr. H. More.
    One who deforms.
    Of a different form; of varied forms.
    In a gymnastic manner.
    To form beforehand, or for special ends. "Their natures and preformed faculties. " Shak.
    Having different shapes or forms.
    In a hypercritical manner.
    Having the form of resin.
    Having two forms, bodies, or shapes. Croxall.
    Having the form or appearance of villi; like close-set fibers, either hard or soft; as, the teeth of perch are villiform.
    A kind of small onion , native of Palestine; the eschalot, or shallot. 2. Any onion which does not "bottom out," but remains with a thick stem like a leek. Amer. Cyc.
    Not empirically; without experiment or experience.


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