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Word Meanings - BRING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To convey to the place where the speaker is or is to be; to bear from a more distant to a nearer place; to fetch. And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread. 1 Kings xvii. 11. To France

Additional info about word: BRING

1. To convey to the place where the speaker is or is to be; to bear from a more distant to a nearer place; to fetch. And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread. 1 Kings xvii. 11. To France shall we convey you safe, And bring you back. Shak. 2. To cause the accession or obtaining of; to procure; to make to come; to produce; to draw to. There is nothing will bring you more honor . . . than to do what right in justice you may. Bacon. 3. To convey; to move; to carry or conduct. In distillation, the water . . . brings over with it some part of the oil of vitriol. Sir I. Newton. 4. To persuade; to induce; to draw; to lead; to guide. It seems so preposterous a thing . . . that they do not easily bring themselves to it. Locke. The nature of the things . . . would not suffer him to think otherwise, how, or whensoever, he is brought to reflect on them. Locke. 5. To produce in exchange; to sell for; to fetch; as, what does coal bring per ton To bring about, to bring to pass; to effect; to accomplish. -- To bring back. To recall. To restore, as something borrowed, to its owner. -- To bring by the lee , to incline so rapidly to leeward of the course, when a ship sails large, as to bring the lee side suddenly to the windward, any by laying the sails aback, expose her to danger of upsetting. -- To bring down. To cause to come down. To humble or abase; as, to bring down high looks. -- To bring down the house, to cause tremendous applause. -- To bring forth. To produce, as young fruit. To bring to light; to make manifest. -- To bring forward To exhibit; to introduce; to produce to view. To hasten; to promote; to forward. To propose; to adduce; as, to bring forward arguments. -- To bring home. To bring to one's house. To prove conclusively; as, to bring home a charge of treason. To cause one to feel or appreciate by personal experience. To lift of its place, as an anchor. -- To bring in. To fetch from without; to import. To introduce, as a bill in a deliberative assembly. To return or repot to, or lay before, a court or other body; to render; as, to bring in a verdict or a report. To take to an appointed place of deposit or collection; as, to bring in provisions or money for a specified object. To produce, as income. To induce to join. -- To bring off, to bear or convey away; to clear from condemnation; to cause to escape. -- To bring on. To cause to begin. To originate or cause to exist; as, to bring on a disease. -- To bring one on one's way, to accompany, guide, or attend one. -- To bring out, to expose; to detect; to bring to light from concealment. -- To bring over. To fetch or bear across. To convert by persuasion or other means; to cause to change sides or an opinion. -- To bring to. To resuscitate; to bring back to consciousness or life, as a fainting person. To check the course of, as of a ship, by dropping the anchor, or by counterbracing the sails so as to keep her nearly stationary . To cause to lie to, as by firing across her course. To apply a rope to the capstan. -- To bring to light, to disclose; to discover; to make clear; to reveal. -- To bring a sail to , to bend it to the yard. -- To bring to pass, to accomplish to effect. "Trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." Ps. xxxvii. 5. -- To bring under, to subdue; to restrain; to reduce to obedience. -- To bring up. To carry upward; to nurse; to rear; to educate. To cause to stop suddenly. Note: To stop suddenly; to come to a standstill. -- To bring up with a round turn, to cause to stop abruptly. -- To be brought to bed. See under Bed. Syn. -- To fetch; bear; carry; convey; transport; import; procure; produce; cause; adduce; induce.

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    See WORM
    The business of a broker. And with extorting, cozening, forfeiting, And tricks belonging unto brokery. Marlowe.
    summary, abridgment, neut. noun fr. breviarius abridged, fr. brevis 1. An abridgment; a compend; an epitome; a brief account or summary. A book entitled the abridgment or breviary of those roots that are to be cut up or gathered. Holland. 2. A
    In a brittle manner. Sherwood.
    1. A branding iron. 2. A trivet to set a pot on. Huloet. 3. The horizontal bar of an andiron.
    An oily, three-sided nut, the seed of the Bertholletia excelsa; the cream nut. Note: From eighteen to twenty-four of the seed or "nuts" grow in a hard and nearly globular shell.
    To burst. And both his yën braste out of his face. Chaucer. Dreadfull furies which their chains have brast. Spenser.
    A current flowing in one direction only; -- distinguished from alternating current. When steady and not pulsating a direct current is often called a continuous current. A direct induced current, or momentary current of the same direction as the
    Annulled and the contrary substituted; as, a reversed judgment or decree. Reversed positive or negative , a picture corresponding with the original in light and shade, but reversed as to right and left. Abney. (more info) 1. Turned side for side,
    To braid. Chaucer.
    One who embroiders.
    A plant supposed to heal bruises, as the true daisy, the soapwort, and the comfrey.
    1. Made thin or slender. 2. Made thin or less viscid; rarefied. Bacon.
    A narrow passage; esp., a contracted part of a stream, lake, or sea; a strait connecting two bodies of water; -- usually in the plural; as, The Narrows of New York harbor. Near the island lay on one side the jaws of a dangerous narrow. Gladstone.
    One who directs; a director. Directer plane , the plane to which all right-lined elements in a warped surface are parallel.
    A boor killed for the table.
    One of the Brachioganoidei.
    The lancelet. See Amphioxus.
    Of or pertaining to Great Britain; British; as, her Britannic Majesty.
    Etym: 1. To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live. "I am in health, I breathe." Shak. Breathes there a man with soul so dead Sir W. Scott. 2. To take breath; to rest from action. Well! breathe awhile, and then to it again! Shak. 3.
    To brace in opposite directions; as, to counterbrace the yards, i. e., to brace the head yards one way and the after yards another.
    Not thoroughly bred; ill-bred; as, an underbred fellow. Goldsmith.
    1. Expressive of opprobrium; attaching disgrace; reproachful; scurrilous; as, opprobrious language. They . . . vindicate themselves in terms no less opprobrious than those by which they are attacked. Addison. 2. Infamous; despised; rendered
    Marked with closely set ribs or ridges.
    Any apparatus for making and breaking an electric circuit; a circuit breaker.
    An artificer who works in brass. Franklin.
    1. A fine, thin, and white fabric made of flax or linen. He hath ribbons of all the colors i' the rainbow; . . . inkles, caddises, cambrics, lawns. Shak. 2. A fabric made, in imitation of linen cambric, of fine, hardspun cotton, often with figures
    To hang over like a brow; to impend over. Longfellow. Did with a huge projection overbrow Large space beneath. Wordsworth.
    Having a narrow, projecting chest, caused by forward curvature of the vertebral column.
    Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the bronchi; as, the subbronchial air sacs of birds.
    A brush for cleaning the teeth.
    A division of opisthobranchiate mollusks, having no shell except while very young. The gills are naked and situated upon the back or sides. See Ceratobranchia.


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