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Word Meanings - COEXISTENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Existence at the same time with another; -- contemporary existence. Without the help, or so much as the coexistence, of any condition. Jer. Taylor.

Related words: (words related to COEXISTENCE)

    1. Living, occuring, or existing, at the same time; done in, or belonging to, the same times; contemporaneous. This king was contemporary with the greatest monarchs of Europe. Strype. 2. Of the same age; coeval. A grove born with himself he sees,
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    The quality of being conditional, or limited; limitation by certain terms.
    Conditional. Barak's answer is faithful, though conditionate. Bp. Hall.
    Outdoor; exterior. "Her without-door form." Shak.
    Without; outside' outwardly. Cf. Withinforth. Chaucer.
    A process (invented about 1899 by Frederick W. Taylor and Maunsel B. White) for giving toughness to self-hardening steels. The steel is heated almost to fusion, cooled to a temperature of from 700º to 850º C. in molten lead, further cooled in
    Expressing a condition or supposition; as, a conditional word, mode, or tense. A conditional proposition is one which asserts the dependence of one categorical proposition on another. Whately. The words hypothetical and conditional may be . . .
    A clause in a contract, or agreement, which has for its object to suspend, to defeat, or in some way to modify, the principal obligation; or, in case of a will, to suspend, revoke, or modify a devise or bequest. It is also the case of
    1. One more, in addition to a former number; a second or additional one, similar in likeness or in effect. Another yet! -- a seventh! I 'll see no more. Shak. Would serve to scale another Hero's tower. Shak. 2. Not the same; different. He winks,
    Without. Chaucer.
    Of another kind. Sir P. Sidney.
    Existence at the same time with another; -- contemporary existence. Without the help, or so much as the coexistence, of any condition. Jer. Taylor.
    1. On or art the outside; not on the inside; not within; outwardly; externally. Without were fightings, within were fears. 2 Cor. vii. 5. 2. Outside of the house; out of doors. The people came unto the house without. Chaucer.
    In a conditional manner; subject to a condition or conditions; not absolutely or positively. Shak.
    1. Surrounded; circumstanced; in a certain state or condition, as of property or health; as, a well conditioned man. The best conditioned and unwearied spirit. Shak. 2. Having, or known under or by, conditions or relations; not independent; not
    1. The state of existing or being; actual possession of being; continuance in being; as, the existence of body and of soul in union; the separate existence of the soul; immortal existence. The main object of our existence. Lubbock. 2. Continued
    Of another sort. "Another-gates adventure." Hudibras.
    1. Absence of existence; the negation of being; nonentity. A. Baxter. 2. A thing that has no existence. Sir T. Browne.
    Unconditional. Sir T. Browne.
    Not conditional limited, or conditioned; made without condition; absolute; unreserved; as, an unconditional surrender. O, pass not, Lord, an absolute decree, Or bind thy sentence unconditional. Dryden. -- Un`con*di"tion*al*ly, adv.
    Not subject to condition or limitations; infinite; absolute; hence, inconceivable; incogitable. Sir W. Hamilton. The unconditioned , all that which is inconceivable and beyond the realm of reason; whatever is inconceivable under logical forms or
    1. Existence in a former state, or previous to something else. Wisdom declares her antiquity and preëxistence to all the works of this earth. T. Burnet. 2. Existence of the soul before its union with the body; -- a doctrine held by certain
    Subsequent existence.
    Inherence; subsistence. Bp. Hall. That which exists within; a constituent. A. Tucker.
    Inherent existence; existence possessed by virtue of a being's own nature, and independent of any other being or cause; -- an attribute peculiar to God. Blackmore.


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