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Word Meanings - DISAPPOINT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To defeat of expectation or hope; to hinder from the attainment of that which was excepted, hoped, or desired; to balk; as, a man is disappointed of his hopes or expectations, or his hopes, desires, intentions, expectations, or plans

Additional info about word: DISAPPOINT

1. To defeat of expectation or hope; to hinder from the attainment of that which was excepted, hoped, or desired; to balk; as, a man is disappointed of his hopes or expectations, or his hopes, desires, intentions, expectations, or plans are disappointed; a bad season disappoints the farmer of his crops; a defeat disappoints an enemy of his spoil. I was disappointed, but very agreeably. Macaulay. Note: Disappointed of a thing not obtained; disappointed in a thing obtained. 2. To frustrate; to fail; to hinder of result. His retiring foe Shrinks from the wound, and disappoints the blow. Addison. Syn. -- To tantalize; fail; frustrate; balk; baffle; delude; foil; defeat. See Tantalize.

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    An optical instrument consisting of two lenses set in a light frame, and worn to assist sight, to obviate some defect in the organs of vision, or to shield the eyes from bright light. 4. pl. (more info) 1. Something exhibited to view; usually,
    The quality or state of being specific.
    A jager gull. (more info) 1. One who teases or vexes.
    Of or pertaining to semen; as, the spermatic fluid, the spermatic vessels, etc. Spermatic cord , the cord which suspends the testicle within the scrotum. It is made up of a connective tissue sheath inclosing the spermatic duct and accompanying
    Giving delight; gladdening. -- De*light"ing*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    That which prevents; -- incorrectly used instead of preventive.
    An apparatus for photographing or mapping a spectrum. A photograph or picture of a spectrum. -- Spec`tro*graph"ic , a. --Spec`tro*graph"ic*al*ly , adv. --Spec*trog"ra*phy , n.
    One who troubles or disturbs; one who afflicts or molests; a disturber; as, a troubler of the peace. The rich troublers of the world's repose. Waller.
    To render inert or imperceptible the peculiar affinities of, as a chemical substance; to destroy the effect of; as, to neutralize an acid with a base. 3. To destroy the peculiar or opposite dispositions of; to reduce to a state of indifference
    Full of torment; causing, or accompainied by, torment; excruciating. Tillotson.
    1. The office or quality of a spectator. Addison. 2. The act of beholding. Shak.
    Species; kind. Chaucer.
    1. To practice deceit. Barrow. 2. To struggle against in vain; as, a ship baffles with the winds.
    A festering. Chalmers.
    An implement for reducing a stiff soil, resembling a harrow, but running upon wheels. Hebert. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, torments; one who inflicts penal anguish or tortures. Jer. Taylor. Thoughts, my tormentors, armed with
    1. To occasion grief to; to wound the sensibilities of; to make sorrowful; to cause to suffer; to affect; to hurt; to try. Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. Eph. iv. 30. The maidens grieved themselves at my concern. Cowper, 2. To sorrow over;
    1. Destitute or deprived of the faculty of speech. 2. Not speaking for a time; dumb; mute; silent. Speechless with wonder, and half dead with fear. Addison. -- Speech"less*ly, adv. -- Speech"less*ness, n.
    One who spends money profusely or improvidently; a prodigal; one who lavishes or wastes his estate. Also used figuratively. A woman who was a generous spendthrift of life. Mrs. R. H. Davis.
    Of or pertaining to the cremaster; as, the cremasteric artery.
    Rough; rugged; harsh; bitter; stern; fierce. "An asper sound." Bacon.
    Producing one seed only in a seed pod.
    Not preventable; invitable.
    Tending to counteract.
    Nonresistance; passive submission; irresistance. Bp. Hall.
    One who has charge of the baggage at a railway station or upon a line of public travel.
    1. To deal out in portions; to distribute; to give; as, the steward dispenses provisions according directions; Nature dispenses her bounties; to dispense medicines. He is delighted to dispense a share of it to all the company. Sir W. Scott. 2.
    See HALL
    The ovum, after fusion with the spermatozoön in impregnation. Balfour.
    The state or quality of being indispensable, or absolutely necessary. S. Clarke.
    Of or pertaining to a suspensorium. (more info) 1. Suspended; hanging; depending. 2. Fitted or serving to suspend; suspending; as, a suspensory muscle. Ray.


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