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Word Meanings - DISCERNING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Acute; shrewd; sagacious; sharp-sighted. Macaulay.

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    1. With knowledge; in a knowing manner; intelligently; consciously; deliberately; as, he would not knowingly offend. Strype. 2. By experience. Shak.
    The state or quality of being accurate; accuracy; exactness; nicety; precision.
    1. High finish; smoothness; burnished elegance. Evelyn. 2. The quality or state of being polite; refinement of manners; urbanity; courteous behavior; complaisance; obliging attentions. Syn. -- Courtesy; good breeding; refinement; urbanity;
    1. Discerning; reasonable; judicious; cunning. "Of skillful judgment." Chaucer. 2. Possessed of, or displaying, skill; knowing and ready; expert; well-versed; able in management; as, a skillful mechanic; -- often followed by at, in, or of; as,
    Taught by practice or by repeated observations; skillful or wise by means of trials, use, or observation; as, an experienced physician, workman, soldier; an experienced eye. The ablest and most experienced statesmen. Bancroft.
    Correctly informed; provided with information; well furnished with authentic knowledge; intelligent.
    1. Relating to, or characterized by, craft or skill; dexterous. "Crafty work." Piers Plowman. 2. Possessing dexterity; skilled; skillful. A noble crafty man of trees. Wyclif. 3. Skillful at deceiving others; characterized by craft; cunning; wily.
    Vigilance un guarding against evil from every quarter; caution. forces circumspectness on those abroad, who at home are nursed in security. Sir H. Wotton.
    1. Smooth; polished. Rays of light falling on a polite surface. Sir I. Newton. 2. Smooth and refined in behavior or manners; well bred; courteous; complaisant; obliging; civil. He marries, bows at court, and grows polite. Pope. 3. Characterized
    In a sharp manner,; keenly; acutely. They are more sharply to be chastised and reformed than the rude Irish. Spenser. The soldiers were sharply assailed with wants. Hayward. You contract your eye when you would see sharply. Bacon.
    One who exacts or demands by authority or right; hence, an extortioner; also, one unreasonably severe in injunctions or demands. Jer. Taylor.
    Oppressive or unreasonably severe in making demands or requiring the exact fulfillment of obligations; harsh; severe. "A temper so exacting." T. Arnold -- Ex*act"ing*ly, adv. -- Ex*act"ing*ness, n.
    A person who bargains closely, especially, one who cheats in bargains; a swinder; also, a cheating gamester. Sharpers, as pikes, prey upon their own kind. L'Estrange. Syn. -- Swindler; cheat; deceiver; trickster; rogue. See Swindler.
    1. One who finishes, puts an end to, completes, or perfects; esp. used in the trades, as in hatting, weaving, etc., for the workman who gives a finishing touch to the work, or any part of it, and brings it to perfection. O prophet of glad tidings,
    Critically discerning; sagacious; shrewd; subtle; crafty. Syn. -- Keen; eagle-eyed; penetrating; skilled; discriminating; cunning; sagacious; subtle; wily; crafty. As*tute"ly, adv. -- As*tute"ness, n.
    The state or quality of being knowing or intelligent; shrewdness; skillfulness.
    1. Completed; effected; established; as, an accomplished fact. 2. Complete in acquirements as the result usually of training; -- commonly in a good sense; as, an accomplished scholar, an accomplished villain. They . . . show themselves accomplished
    A member of a secret political organization in the United States, the chief objects of which were the proscription of foreigners by the repeal of the naturalization laws, and the exclusive choice of native Americans for office. Note: The
    In an exact manner; precisely according to a rule, standard, or fact; accurately; strictly; correctly; nicely. "Exactly wrought." Shak. His enemies were pleased, for he had acted exactly as their interests required. Bancroft.
    Prior knowledge.
    The state or quality of being; disagreeable; unpleasantness.
    In a manner not exact or precise; inaccurately. R. A. Proctor.
    Not exact; not precisely correct or true; inaccurate.
    To penetrate between or within; to penetrate mutually. It interpenetrates my granite mass. Shelley.


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