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Word Meanings - DISCREET - Book Publishers vocabulary database

discret, L. discretus separated (whence the meaning reserved, 1. Possessed of discernment, especially in avoiding error or evil, and in the adaptation of means to ends; prudent; sagacious; judicious; not rash or heedless; cautious. It

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discret, L. discretus separated (whence the meaning reserved, 1. Possessed of discernment, especially in avoiding error or evil, and in the adaptation of means to ends; prudent; sagacious; judicious; not rash or heedless; cautious. It is the discreet man, not the witty, nor the learned, nor the brave, who guides the conversation, and gives measures to society. Addison. Satire 's my weapon, but I 'm too discreet To run amuck, and tilt at all I meet. Pope. The sea is silent, the sea is discreet. Longfellow. 2. Differing; distinct. Spenser. -- Dis*creet"ly, adv. -- Dis*creet"ness, n.

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    1. With knowledge; in a knowing manner; intelligently; consciously; deliberately; as, he would not knowingly offend. Strype. 2. By experience. Shak.
    good manners); de of + murs, mours, meurs, mors, F. m, fr. L. mores manners, morals ; or more prob. fr. OF. meür, F. mûr mature, ripe in a phrase preceded by de, as de 1. Of sober or serious mien; composed and decorous in bearing; of modest
    The sediment of melted tallow. Same as Greaves.
    1. High finish; smoothness; burnished elegance. Evelyn. 2. The quality or state of being polite; refinement of manners; urbanity; courteous behavior; complaisance; obliging attentions. Syn. -- Courtesy; good breeding; refinement; urbanity;
    See T (more info) 1. A digger of graves.
    A minister, official agent, or envoy to a foreign court; a diplomatist.
    1. Smooth; polished. Rays of light falling on a polite surface. Sir I. Newton. 2. Smooth and refined in behavior or manners; well bred; courteous; complaisant; obliging; civil. He marries, bows at court, and grows polite. Pope. 3. Characterized
    Vigilance un guarding against evil from every quarter; caution. forces circumspectness on those abroad, who at home are nursed in security. Sir H. Wotton.
    Undisturbed by passion or caprice; calm; tranquil; serene; not passionate or giddy; composed; staid; as, a sedate soul, mind, or temper. Disputation carries away the mind from that calm and sedate temper which is so necessary to contemplate truth.
    Critically discerning; sagacious; shrewd; subtle; crafty. Syn. -- Keen; eagle-eyed; penetrating; skilled; discriminating; cunning; sagacious; subtle; wily; crafty. As*tute"ly, adv. -- As*tute"ness, n.
    The state or quality of being knowing or intelligent; shrewdness; skillfulness.
    A deposit of small calculous concretions in the kidneys and the urinary or gall bladder; also, the disease of which they are a symptom. Gravel powder, a coarse gunpowder; pebble powder. (more info) strand; of Celtic origin; cf. Armor.
    1. Capable of being devised, invented, or contrived. 2. Capable of being bequeathed, or given by will.
    A member of a secret political organization in the United States, the chief objects of which were the proscription of foreigners by the repeal of the naturalization laws, and the exclusive choice of native Americans for office. Note: The
    Quality of being cunning; craft.
    In a modest manner.
    In a politic manner; sagaciously; shrewdly; artfully. Pope.
    A devising. Whitney.
    1. Skilful; well informed; intelligent; as, a knowing man; a knowing dog. The knowing and intelligent part of the world. South. 2. Artful; cunning; as, a knowing rascal.
    Prior knowledge.
    A waldgrave, or head forest keeper. See Waldgrave. The wildgrave winds his bugle horn. Sir W. Scott.
    A petrifaction of the human body, or of any portion of it.
    Of or pertaining to a metropolis; being a metropolis; metropolitan; as, the metropolitical chair. Bp. Hall.
    One who foreknows.
    Insensibility. Bp. Hall.


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