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Word Meanings - DISCONCERT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To break up the harmonious progress of; to throw into disorder or confusion; as, the emperor disconcerted the plans of his enemy. 2. To confuse the faculties of; to disturb the composure of; to discompose; to abash. The embrace disconcerted

Additional info about word: DISCONCERT

1. To break up the harmonious progress of; to throw into disorder or confusion; as, the emperor disconcerted the plans of his enemy. 2. To confuse the faculties of; to disturb the composure of; to discompose; to abash. The embrace disconcerted the daughter-in-law somewhat, as the caresses of old gentlemen unshorn and perfumed with tobacco might well do. Thackeray. Syn. -- To discompose; derange; ruffle; confuse; disturb; defeat; frustrate.

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    An optical instrument consisting of two lenses set in a light frame, and worn to assist sight, to obviate some defect in the organs of vision, or to shield the eyes from bright light. 4. pl. (more info) 1. Something exhibited to view; usually,
    The quality or state of being specific.
    Of or pertaining to semen; as, the spermatic fluid, the spermatic vessels, etc. Spermatic cord , the cord which suspends the testicle within the scrotum. It is made up of a connective tissue sheath inclosing the spermatic duct and accompanying
    1. Confused; perplexed. A cloudy and confounded philosopher. Cudworth. 2. Excessive; extreme; abominable. He was a most confounded tory. Swift. The tongue of that confounded woman. Sir. W. Scott.
    Giving delight; gladdening. -- De*light"ing*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    Modest; shamefaced. -- Shame"fast*ly, adv. -- Shame"fast*ness, n. See Shamefaced. Shamefast she was in maiden shamefastness. Chaucer. is a blushing shamefast spirit. Shak. Modest apparel with shamefastness. 1 Tim. ii. 9 .
    An apparatus for photographing or mapping a spectrum. A photograph or picture of a spectrum. -- Spec`tro*graph"ic , a. --Spec`tro*graph"ic*al*ly , adv. --Spec*trog"ra*phy , n.
    To render inert or imperceptible the peculiar affinities of, as a chemical substance; to destroy the effect of; as, to neutralize an acid with a base. 3. To destroy the peculiar or opposite dispositions of; to reduce to a state of indifference
    One who troubles or disturbs; one who afflicts or molests; a disturber; as, a troubler of the peace. The rich troublers of the world's repose. Waller.
    Obscurity. Bp. Hall.
    An instrument for dividing lines, describing circles, etc., compasses. See Compasses. Note: The word dividers is usually applied to the instrument as made for the use of draughtsmen, etc.; compasses to the coarser instrument used by carpenters.
    Capable of being restrained; controllable. Sir T. Browne.
    Species; kind. Chaucer.
    1. The office or quality of a spectator. Addison. 2. The act of beholding. Shak.
    Conceited; assuming; as, an upsetting fellow. Jamieson.
    Confused mixture.
    A number or quantity which is to be divided. (more info) 1. A sum of money to be divided and distributed; the share of a sum divided that falls to each individual; a distribute sum, share, or percentage; -- applied to the profits as appropriated
    1. Destitute or deprived of the faculty of speech. 2. Not speaking for a time; dumb; mute; silent. Speechless with wonder, and half dead with fear. Addison. -- Speech"less*ly, adv. -- Speech"less*ness, n.
    Producing one seed only in a seed pod.
    Rough; rugged; harsh; bitter; stern; fierce. "An asper sound." Bacon.
    An introductory performance, preceding and preparing for the principal matter; a preliminary part, movement, strain, etc.; especially , a strain introducing the theme or chief subject; a movement introductory to a fugue, yet independent; -- with
    Tending to counteract.
    The ovum, after fusion with the spermatozoön in impregnation. Balfour.
    See HALL
    1. To deal out in portions; to distribute; to give; as, the steward dispenses provisions according directions; Nature dispenses her bounties; to dispense medicines. He is delighted to dispense a share of it to all the company. Sir W. Scott. 2.
    The state or quality of being indispensable, or absolutely necessary. S. Clarke.
    To free from perplexity. Donne.
    Of or pertaining to a suspensorium. (more info) 1. Suspended; hanging; depending. 2. Fitted or serving to suspend; suspending; as, a suspensory muscle. Ray.
    The separation of light into its different colored rays, arising from their different refrangibilities. Dispersion of the optic axes , the separation of the optic axes in biaxial crystals, due to the fact that the axial angle has different values
    mixed with jasper; containing particles of jasper; as, jasperated agate.


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