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Word Meanings - FAIRNESS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The state of being fair, or free form spots or stains, as of the skin; honesty, as of dealing; candor, as of an argument, etc.

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    Straight; direct.
    One who forsakes a duty, a cause or a party, a friend, or any one to whom he owes service; especially, a soldier or a seaman who abandons the service without leave; one guilty of desertion.
    Satin flower; the name of two cruciferous herbs having large flat pods, the round shining partitions of which are more beautiful than the blossom; -- called also lunary and moonwort. Lunaria biennis is common honesty; L. rediva is perennial honesty.
    1. Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious. Thy name and honorable family. Shak. 2. High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation. 3. Proceeding from an
    1. Individual right to hold property; ownership by personal title; property. "Onles this propriety be exiled." Robynson (More's Utopia). So are the proprieties of a wife to be disposed of by her lord, and yet all are for her provisions, it being
    The state of being right with God; justification; the work of Christ, which is the ground justification. There are two kinds of Christian righteousness: the one without us, which we have by imputation; the other in us, which consisteth of faith,
    The divine favor toward man; the mercy of God, as distinguished from His justice; also, any benefits His mercy imparts; divine love or pardon; a state of acceptance with God; enjoyment of the divine favor. And if by grace, then is it no more of
    Displaying grace or beauty in form or action; elegant; easy; agreeable in appearance; as, a graceful walk, deportment, speaker, air, act, speech. High o'er the rest in arms the graceful Turnus rode. Dryden. -- Grace"ful*ly, adv. Grace"ful*ness, n.
    the quality or state of being upright.
    1. The state of being honorable; eminence; distinction. 2. Conformity to the principles of honor, probity, or moral rectitude; fairness; uprightness; reputableness.
    1. The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory. Sir T. More. 2. Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with
    1. Wanting in grace or excellence; departed from, or deprived of, divine grace; hence, depraved; corrupt. "In a graceless age." Milton. 2. Unfortunate. Cf. Grace, n., 4. Chaucer. -- Grace"less*ly, adv. -- Grace"less-ness, n.
    Containing a right angle or right angles; as, a right-angled triangle.
    Doing, or according with, that which is right; yielding to all their due; just; equitable; especially, free from wrong, guilt, or sin; holy; as, a righteous man or act; a righteous retribution. Fearless in his righteous cause. Milton.
    Without desert.
    To do justice to. Relieve the opressed. Isa. i. 17.
    1. Esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation; respect; consideration; reverence; veneration; manifestation of respect or reverence. A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country. Matt. xiii.
    Formed by right lines; rectilineal; as, a right-lined angle.
    The quality or state of being comely. Comeliness is a disposing fair Of things and actions in fit time and place. Sir J. Davies. Strength, comeliness of shape, or amplest merit. Milton. Comeliness signifies something less forcible than beauty, less
    The state of being fair, or free form spots or stains, as of the skin; honesty, as of dealing; candor, as of an argument, etc.
    Ill desert. Addison.
    See I
    1. Dishonor; dishonorableness; shame. "The hidden things of dishonesty." 2 Cor. iv. 2. 2. Want of honesty, probity, or integrity in principle; want of fairness and straightforwardness; a disposition to defraud, deceive, or betray; faithlessness.
    1. Want of justice and equity; violation of the rights of another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; imposition. If this people resembled Nero in their extravagance, much more did they resemble and even exceed him in cruelty and injustice.
    An artificer who makes carts; a cart maker.
    Ill desert. Spenser.
    Sprightlike, or spiritlike; lively; brisk; animated; vigorous; airy; gay; as, a sprightly youth; a sprightly air; a sprightly dance. "Sprightly wit and love inspires." Dryden. The sprightly Sylvia trips along the green. Pope.
    1. Full of fright; affrighted; frightened. See how the frightful herds run from the wood. W. Browne. 2. Full of that which causes fright; exciting alarm; impressing terror; shocking; as, a frightful chasm, or tempest; a frightful appearance. Syn.
    imp. & p. p. of Shriek. She cried alway and shright. Chaucer.
    Excessively righteous; -- usually implying hypocrisy.


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