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Word Meanings - INTEGRITY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory. Sir T. More. 2. Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with

Additional info about word: INTEGRITY

1. The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory. Sir T. More. 2. Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with reference to the fulfillment of contracts, the discharge of agencies, trusts, and the like; uprightness; rectitude. The moral grandeur of independent integrity is the sublimest thing in nature. Buckminster. Their sober zeal, integrity. and worth. Cowper. 3. Unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity. Language continued long in its purity and integrity. Sir M. Hale. Syn. -- Honesty; uprightness; rectitude. See Probity.

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    Straight; direct.
    One who forsakes a duty, a cause or a party, a friend, or any one to whom he owes service; especially, a soldier or a seaman who abandons the service without leave; one guilty of desertion.
    Satin flower; the name of two cruciferous herbs having large flat pods, the round shining partitions of which are more beautiful than the blossom; -- called also lunary and moonwort. Lunaria biennis is common honesty; L. rediva is perennial honesty.
    The method or process of measuring volumes by means of the volumenometer.
    1. Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious. Thy name and honorable family. Shak. 2. High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation. 3. Proceeding from an
    An instrument for measuring the volume of a body, especially a solid, by means of the difference in tension caused by its presence and absence in a confined portion of air.
    1. Individual right to hold property; ownership by personal title; property. "Onles this propriety be exiled." Robynson (More's Utopia). So are the proprieties of a wife to be disposed of by her lord, and yet all are for her provisions, it being
    The state of being right with God; justification; the work of Christ, which is the ground justification. There are two kinds of Christian righteousness: the one without us, which we have by imputation; the other in us, which consisteth of faith,
    the quality or state of being upright.
    1. The state of being honorable; eminence; distinction. 2. Conformity to the principles of honor, probity, or moral rectitude; fairness; uprightness; reputableness.
    1. The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory. Sir T. More. 2. Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with
    Of or pertaining to the measurement of volume. Volumetric analysis , that system of the quantitative analysis of solutions which employs definite volumes of standardized solutions of reagents, as measured by burettes, pipettes, etc.; also, the
    The quality or state of being whole, entire, or sound; entireness; totality; completeness.
    The quality of being conscientious; a scrupulous regard to the dictates of conscience.
    An instrument for measuring the volumes of gases or liquids by introducing them into a vessel of known capacity.
    Containing a right angle or right angles; as, a right-angled triangle.
    Having an undivided hoof, as the horse.
    Doing, or according with, that which is right; yielding to all their due; just; equitable; especially, free from wrong, guilt, or sin; holy; as, a righteous man or act; a righteous retribution. Fearless in his righteous cause. Milton.
    The quality or state of being sound; as, the soundness of timber, of fruit, of the teeth, etc.; the soundness of reasoning or argument; soundness of faith. Syn. -- Firmness; strength; solidity; healthiness; truth; rectitude.
    Without desert.
    Ill desert. Addison.
    See I
    1. Dishonor; dishonorableness; shame. "The hidden things of dishonesty." 2 Cor. iv. 2. 2. Want of honesty, probity, or integrity in principle; want of fairness and straightforwardness; a disposition to defraud, deceive, or betray; faithlessness.
    1. Want of justice and equity; violation of the rights of another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; imposition. If this people resembled Nero in their extravagance, much more did they resemble and even exceed him in cruelty and injustice.
    An artificer who makes carts; a cart maker.
    Ill desert. Spenser.
    Sprightlike, or spiritlike; lively; brisk; animated; vigorous; airy; gay; as, a sprightly youth; a sprightly air; a sprightly dance. "Sprightly wit and love inspires." Dryden. The sprightly Sylvia trips along the green. Pope.
    1. Full of fright; affrighted; frightened. See how the frightful herds run from the wood. W. Browne. 2. Full of that which causes fright; exciting alarm; impressing terror; shocking; as, a frightful chasm, or tempest; a frightful appearance. Syn.
    imp. & p. p. of Shriek. She cried alway and shright. Chaucer.
    The extension of the advantages of university instruction by means of lectures and classes at various centers.
    Excessively righteous; -- usually implying hypocrisy.


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