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Word Meanings - GLASSWORT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A seashore plant of the Spinach family , with succulent jointed stems; also, a prickly plant of the same family , both formerly burned for the sake of the ashes, which yield soda for making glass and soap.

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    Any apparatus for making and breaking an electric circuit; a circuit breaker.
  • BURN
    To apply a cautery to; to cauterize. (more info) birnen, v.i., AS. bærnan, bernan, v.t., birnan, v.i.; akin to OS. brinnan, OFries. barna, berna, OHG. brinnan, brennan, G. brennen, OD. bernen, D. branden, Dan. brænde, Sw. bränna, brinna, Icel.
    pay, give, restore, make an offering; akin to OFries. jelda, OS. geldan, D. gelden to cost, to be worth, G. gelten, OHG. geltan to pay, restore, make an offering, be worth, Icel. gjalda to pay, give up, Dan. gielde to be worth, Sw. gälla to be
    A tool somewhat like a chisel with a groove in it, used by calkers of ships to finish the seams after the oakum has been driven in.
    All the ground between the ordinary highwater and low-water marks. (more info) 1. The coast of the sea; the land that lies adjacent to the sea or ocean.
    Glassy; glazed. And pursues the dice with glassen eyes. B. Jonson.
    A slender, nearly leafless, American herb (Polygonum articulatum), with jointed spikes of small flowers.
    1. One who burnishes. 2. A tool with a hard, smooth, rounded end or surface, as of steel, ivory, or agate, used in smoothing or polishing by rubbing. It has a variety of forms adapted to special uses.
    In time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.
    Full of juice; juicy. Succulent plants , plants which have soft and juicy leaves or stems, as the houseleek, the live forever, and the species of Mesembryanthemum.
    A subdivision of Carnivora having plantigrade feet. It includes the bears, raccoons, and allied species.
    To cause to shine; to make smooth and bright; to polish; specifically, to polish by rubbing with something hard and smooth; as, to burnish brass or paper. The frame of burnished steel, that east a glare From far, and seemed to thaw the freezing
    The embryo which has begun its development in the act of germination.
    A groupe of organisms, either animal or vegetable, related by certain points of resemblance in structure or development, more comprehensive than a genus, because it is usually based on fewer or less pronounced points of likeness. In zoölogy
    Walking on the sole of the foot; pertaining to the plantigrades. Having the foot so formed that the heel touches the ground when the leg is upright.
    Disposed to yield or comply. -- Yield"a*ble*ness, n. Bp. Hall.
    1. The act of producing; yield; as, the yieldance of the earth. Bp. Hall. 2. The act of yielding; concession. South.
    The quality of being glassy.
    A seashore plant of the Spinach family , with succulent jointed stems; also, a prickly plant of the same family , both formerly burned for the sake of the ashes, which yield soda for making glass and soap.
    A remarkable vitreous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, first brought from Japan. It has a long stem, consisting of a bundle of long and large, glassy, siliceous fibers, twisted together.
    The act of displanting; removal; displacement. Sir W. Raleigh.
    heels, to throw down; sub under + planta the sole of the foot, also, 1. To trip up. "Supplanted, down he fell." Milton. 2. To remove or displace by stratagem; to displace and take the place of; to supersede; as, a rival supplants another in the
    To burn too much; to be overzealous.
    To disjoint.
    One who makes dresses, cloaks, etc., for women; a dressmaker.
    See BURNER
    Sunburn; tan. Boyle.
    Having straight joints. Specifically: Applied to a floor the boards of which are so laid that the joints form a continued line transverse to the length of the boards themselves. Brandle & C. In the United States, applied to planking or flooring
    To burn or discolor by the sun; to tan. Sunburnt and swarthy though she be. Dryden.
    One who makes boots. -- Boot"mak`ing, n.
    The jet piece of a gas fixture where the gas is burned as it escapes from one or more minute orifices.
    Disjointed; unconnected; -- opposed to conjoint. Milton.
    1. Flaxen-colored. Florio. 2. Reddish brown. His auburn locks on either shoulder flowed. Dryden.
    One whose occupation is to make bricks. -- Brick"mak*ing, n.


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