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Word Meanings - INTERVAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Difference in pitch between any two tones. At intervals, coming or happening with intervals between; now and then. "And Miriam watch'd and dozed at intervals." Tennyson. -- Augmented interval , an interval increased by half a step or half a tone.

Additional info about word: INTERVAL

Difference in pitch between any two tones. At intervals, coming or happening with intervals between; now and then. "And Miriam watch'd and dozed at intervals." Tennyson. -- Augmented interval , an interval increased by half a step or half a tone. (more info) 1. A space between things; a void space intervening between any two objects; as, an interval between two houses or hills. 'Twixt host and host but narrow space was left, A dreadful interval. Milton. 2. Space of time between any two points or events; as, the interval between the death of Charles I. of England, and the accession of Charles II. 3. A brief space of time between the recurrence of similar conditions or states; as, the interval between paroxysms of pain; intervals of sanity or delirium.

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Related words: (words related to INTERVAL)

    An interval. And a' shall laugh without intervallums. Shak. In one of these intervalla. Chillingworth.
    A release, by a sovereign, or officer having jurisdiction, from the penalties of an offense, being distinguished from amenesty, which is a general obliteration and canceling of a particular line of past offenses. Syn. -- Forgiveness; remission.
    To pull or haul strongly and all together, as upon a rope, without the assistance of mechanical appliances.
    1. A state of being absent or withdrawn from a place or from companionship; -- opposed to presence. Not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence. Phil. ii. 12. 2. Want; destitution; withdrawal. "In the absence of conventional law."
    To ingraft by cleaving the stock and inserting a scion. Mortimer.
    1. An individual of marked ability or excellence, esp. in some sport; as, he is a crackajack at tennis. 2. A preparation of popped corn, candied and pressed into small cakes.
    A narrow opening, made by the parting of any substance; a cleft; as, the fissure of a rock. Cerebral fissures , the furrows or clefts by which the surface of the cerebrum is divided; esp., the furrows first formed by the infolding of the whole
    1. To move with a violent, irregular action; as, the wind agitates the sea; to agitate water in a vessel. "Winds . . . agitate the air." Cowper. 2. To move or actuate. Thomson. 3. To stir up; to disturb or excite; to perturb; as, he was greatly
    The act of wandering, or roaming. Bp. Hall.
    To extent in length; to make longer in extent or duration; as, to lengthen a line or a road; to lengthen life; -- sometimes followed by out. What if I please to lengthen out his date. Dryden.
    One who disturbs the public peace. -- Peace"break`ing, n.
    Having an impaired intellect; whimsical; crazy. Pope.
    Long. Pope.
    The proportion of weights of fine metal and alloy established by authority. By the present standard of the coinage, sixty-two shillings is coined out of one pound weight of silver. Arbuthnot. (more info) extendere to spread out, extend,
    A fixed point or station; a basis or fundamental principle; a position from which objects or principles are viewed, and according to which they are compared and judged.
    One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff. Absolute space, Euclidian space, etc. See under Absolute, Euclidian, etc. -- Space line , a thin piece of metal used by printers to open the lines of type to a regular distance
    1. The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon. 2. The state of being interrupted; a breach or break, caused by the abrupt intervention of something foreign; intervention; interposition. Sir M. Hale. Lest the interruption of time cause you to
    A vertical pipe, open at the top, between a hydrant and a reservoir, to equalize the flow of water; also, a large vertical pipe, near a pumping engine, into which water is forced up, so as to give it sufficient head to rise to the required level
    Georgia; -- a nickname. See Cracker, n. 5.
    from Cleave.
    One who stands near; a spectator; one who has no concern with the business transacting. He addressed the bystanders and scattered pamphlets among them. Palfrey. Syn. -- Looker on; spectator; beholder; observer.
    Want of peace or tranquility; uneasiness; disturbance; agitation; anxiety. Fears and disquietude, and unavoidable anxieties of mind. Abp. Sharp.
    Cloth or material for making trousers.
    To wander away; to go astray; to wander far and to weariness.
    To ask urgently. Cockeram.
    One who breaks jests; a joker. Shak.
    In a disquiet manner; uneasily; as, he rested disquietly that night. Wiseman.
    To disquiet. Ld. Herbert.
    Trousers. Spenser.
    To withstand.


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