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Word Meanings - CESSATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A ceasing of discontinuance, as of action, whether termporary or final; a stop; as, a cessation of the war. The temporary cessation of the papal iniquities. Motley. The day was yearly observed for a festival by cessation from labor. Sir J. Hayward.

Additional info about word: CESSATION

A ceasing of discontinuance, as of action, whether termporary or final; a stop; as, a cessation of the war. The temporary cessation of the papal iniquities. Motley. The day was yearly observed for a festival by cessation from labor. Sir J. Hayward. Cessation of arms , an armistice, or truce, agreed to by the commanders of armies, to give time for a capitulation, or for other purposes. Syn. -- Stop; rest; stay; pause; discontinuance; intermission; interval; respite; interruption; recess; remission.

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    Of or pertaining to a period; constituting a complete sentence. Periodic comet , a comet that moves about the sun in an elliptic orbit; a comet that has been seen at two of its approaches to the sun. -- Periodic function , a function whose values
    An interval. And a' shall laugh without intervallums. Shak. In one of these intervalla. Chillingworth.
    1. Resembling death. A deathlike slumber, and a dead repose. Pope. 2. Deadly. "Deathlike dragons." Shak.
    Stifling. The close and stifled study. Hawthorne.
    A name given to each of three compromises made by the emperor Charles V. of Germany for the sake of harmonizing the connecting opinions of Protestants and Catholics. (more info) 1. The meantime; time intervening; interval between events, etc. All
    The quality of being deathly; deadliness. Southey.
    Surrounding the teeth.
    The desertion by a party to any pleading of the ground taken by him in his last antecedent pleading, and the adoption of another. Bouvier. (more info) 1. Division; separation; putting away. No other remedy . . . but absolute departure. Milton.
    The act or process of breathing out, or forcing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth; as, respiration consists of inspiration and expiration; -- opposed to Ant: inspiration. Emission of volatile matter; exhalation. The true cause of cold
    1. The act of reducing to nothing, or nonexistence; or the act of destroying the form or combination of parts under which a thing exists, so that the name can no longer be applied to it; as, the annihilation of a corporation. 2. The state of being
    One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff. Absolute space, Euclidian space, etc. See under Absolute, Euclidian, etc. -- Space line , a thin piece of metal used by printers to open the lines of type to a regular distance
    1. The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon. 2. The state of being interrupted; a breach or break, caused by the abrupt intervention of something foreign; intervention; interposition. Sir M. Hale. Lest the interruption of time cause you to
    Constraining; compulsory. "Any constraintive vow." R. Carew.
    A small beetle . By forcibly striking its head against woodwork it makes a ticking sound, which is a call of the sexes to each other, but has been imagined by superstitious people to presage death. A small wingless insect, of the family Psocidæ,
    Free from fetters. Marston.
    Difference in pitch between any two tones. At intervals, coming or happening with intervals between; now and then. "And Miriam watch'd and dozed at intervals." Tennyson. -- Augmented interval , an interval increased by half a step or half a tone.
    1. To tie or confine the limbs of, so as to prevent free motion; to bind with shackles; to fetter; to chain. To lead him shackled, and exposed to scorn Of gathering crowds, the Britons' boasted chief. J. Philips. 2. Figuratively: To bind or confine
    Of or pertaining to termination; forming a termination.
    To lease again; to grant a new lease of; to let back.
    1. The act of dissolving, sundering, or separating into component parts; separation. Dissolutions of ancient amities. Shak. 2. Change from a solid to a fluid state; solution by heat or moisture; liquefaction; melting. 3. Change of form by chemical
    One who, or that which, limits or restrains.
    Deadly; fatal; mortal; destructive.
    An erroneous inference or conclusion. Bp. Hall.
    A remedy possessing the property of preventing the return of periodic paroxysms, or exacerbations, of disease, as in intermittent fevers.
    A period in the American eocene, the lowest in the tertiary age except the lignitic.
    Determination by one's self; or, determination of one's acts or states without the necessitating force of motives; -- applied to the voluntary or activity.
    A subdivision of the Quaternary age immediately following the Glacial period; -- so named from beds near Lake Champlain. Note: The earlier deposits of this period are diluvial in character, as if formed in connection with floods attending


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