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Word Meanings - LILLIPUTIAN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A person or thing of very small size. (more info) 1. One belonging to a very diminutive race described in Swift's "Voyage to Lilliput." 2. Hence:

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    Somewhat small. G. W. Cable.
    The state or quality of being little; as, littleness of size, thought, duration, power, etc. Syn. -- Smallness; slightness; inconsiderableness; narrowness; insignificance; meanness; penuriousness.
    1. Of or pertaining to the microscope or to microscopy; made with a microscope; as, microscopic observation. 2. Able to see extremely minute objects. Why has not man a microscopic eye Pope. 3. Very small; visible only by the aid of a microscope;
    1. Below the average size; very small; little. 2. Expressing diminution; as, a diminutive word. 3. Tending to diminish. Diminutive of liberty. Shaftesbury.
    A man's garment for the hips and thighs; breeches. See Breeches.
    A contagious, constitutional, febrile disease characterized by a peculiar eruption; variola. The cutaneous eruption is at first a collection of papules which become vesicles (first flat, subsequently umbilicated) and then pustules, and finally thick
    An old slang name for the pillory, stocks, etc., of a prison. Latimer.
    sm$l; akin to D. smal narrow, OS. & OHG. smal small, G. schmal narrow, Dan. & Sw. smal, Goth. smals small, Icel. smali smal cattle, sheep, or goats; cf. Gr. 1. Having little size, compared with other things of the same kind; little in quantity
    The quality of being diminutive; smallness; littleness; minuteness.
    A biennial umbelliferous plant native of the seacoats of Europe and Asia. When deprived of its acrid and even poisonous properties by cultivation, it becomes celery.
    In a small quantity or degree; with minuteness. Ascham.
    The quality or state of being small.
    By the microscope; with minute inspection; in a microscopic manner.
    See 3
    A light sword used for thrusting only; especially, the sword worn by civilians of rank in the eighteenth century.
    In a diminutive manner.
    A person or thing of very small size. (more info) 1. One belonging to a very diminutive race described in Swift's "Voyage to Lilliput." 2. Hence:
    place being supplied by less, or, rarely, lesser. See Lesser. For the superlative least is used, the regular form, littlest, occurring very rarely, except in some of the English provinces, and occasionally in colloquial language. " Where love is
    In a dismal manner; gloomily; sorrowfully; uncomfortably.
    One who performs little though professing much. Great talkers are commonly dolittles. Bp. Richardson.
    To a fathomless depth; profoundly. "Abysmally ignorant." G. Eliot.


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