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Word Meanings - MERIDIAN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

fr. meridies noon, midday, for older medidies; medius mid, middle + 1. Being at, or pertaining to, midday; belonging to, or passing through, the highest point attained by the sun in his diurnal course. "Meridian hour." Milton. Tables ... to find

Additional info about word: MERIDIAN

fr. meridies noon, midday, for older medidies; medius mid, middle + 1. Being at, or pertaining to, midday; belonging to, or passing through, the highest point attained by the sun in his diurnal course. "Meridian hour." Milton. Tables ... to find the altitude meridian. Chaucer. 2. Pertaining to the highest point or culmination; as, meridian splendor.

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    An igneous rock of semiglassy nature, having a luster like pitch.
    The quantity a pitcher will hold.
    Blackness, as of pitch; darkness.
    A fork, or farming utensil, used in pitching hay, sheaves of grain, or the like.
    1. Act of succeeding; succession. Then all the sons of these five brethren reigned By due success. Spenser. 2. That which comes after; hence, consequence, issue, or result, of an endeavor or undertaking, whether good or bad; the outcome of effort.
    fr. meridies noon, midday, for older medidies; medius mid, middle + 1. Being at, or pertaining to, midday; belonging to, or passing through, the highest point attained by the sun in his diurnal course. "Meridian hour." Milton. Tables ... to find
    Having no success. Successless all her soft caresses prove. Pope. -- Suc*cess"less*ly, adv. -- Suc*cess"less*ness, n.
    Of or pertaining to the zenith. "The deep zenithal blue." Tyndall.
    The work of a coal miner who is paid by a share of his product.
    cenit, abbrev. fr. Ar. samt-urras way of the head, vertical place; 1. That point in the visible celestial hemisphere which is vertical to the spectator; the point of the heavens directly overhead; -- opposed to nadir. From morn To noon he fell,
    1. One who pitches anything, as hay, quoits, a ball, etc.; specifically , the player who delivers the ball to the batsman. 2. A sort of crowbar for digging. Mortimer.
    1. The act of succeeding, or following after; a following of things in order of time or place, or a series of things so following; sequence; as, a succession of good crops; a succession of disasters. 2. A series of persons or things according to
    In a successive manner. The whiteness, at length, changed successively into blue, indigo, and violet. Sir I. Newton.
    See AMERICA (more info) 1. A thick, black, lustrous, and sticky substance obtained by boiling down tar. It is used in calking the seams of ships; also in coating rope, canvas, wood, ironwork, etc.,
    Resulting in success; assuring, or promotive of, success; accomplishing what was proposed; having the desired effect; hence, prosperous; fortunate; happy; as, a successful use of medicine; a successful experiment; a successful enterprise. Welcome,
    A facing of stone laid upon a bank to prevent wear by tides or currents. Pitching piece , the horizontal timber supporting the floor of a platform of a stairway, and against which the stringpieces of the sloping parts are supported. (more info)
    A person who insists on the importance of a regular succession of events, offices, etc.; especially , one who insists that apostolic succession alone is valid.
    A figure of which the parts of a sentence or paragraph are so arranged that each sicceeding one rise "Tribulation worketh patience, patience experience, and experience hope" -- a happy climax. J. D. Forbes. 3. The highest point; the greatest degree.
    1. Following in order or in uninterrupted course; coming after without interruption or interval; following one after another in a line or series; consecutive; as, the successive revolution of years; the successive kings of Egypt; successive strokes
    1. The act or process of making complete; the getting through to the end; as, the completion of an undertaking, an education, a service. The completion of some repairs. Prescott. 2. State of being complete; fulfillment; accomplishment; realization.
    A game of cards in which the players bid for the privilege of determining or "pitching" the trump suit. R. F. Foster.
    One of a family of plants having pitcher-shaped leaves. The sidesaddle flower is the type. (more info) 1. A pitcher for water.
    Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate; meeting with, or resulting in, failure; unlucky; unhappy. -- Un`suc*cess"ful*ly, adv. -- Un`suc*cess"ful*ness, n.
    1. Coming after the sun has passed the meridian; being in, or belonging to, the afternoon. 2. Fig., belonging to the after portion of life; late.
    Want of success. Feltham.


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