Word Meanings - MIND - Book Publishers vocabulary database
minne love, Dan. minde mind, memory, remembrance, consent, vote, Sw. minne memory, Icel. minni, Goth. gamunds, L. mens, mentis, mind, Gr. manas mind, man to think. Comment, Man, Mean, v., 3d Mental, 1. The intellectual or rational faculty in man;
Additional info about word: MIND
minne love, Dan. minde mind, memory, remembrance, consent, vote, Sw. minne memory, Icel. minni, Goth. gamunds, L. mens, mentis, mind, Gr. manas mind, man to think. Comment, Man, Mean, v., 3d Mental, 1. The intellectual or rational faculty in man; the understanding; the intellect; the power that conceives, judges, or reasons; also, the entire spiritual nature; the soul; -- often in distinction from the body. By the mind of man we understand that in him which thinks, remembers, reasons, wills. Reid. What we mean by mind is simply that which perceives, thinks, feels, wills, and desires. Sir W. Hamilton. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Rom. xiv. 5. The mind shall banquet, though the body pine. Shak. 2. The state, at any given time, of the faculties of thinking, willing, choosing, and the like; psychical activity or state; as: Opinion; judgment; belief. A fool uttereth all his mind. Prov. xxix. 11. Being so hard to me that brought your mind, I fear she'll prove as hard to you in telling her mind. Shak. Choice; inclination; liking; intent; will. If it be your minds, then let none go forth. 2 Kings ix. 15. Courage; spirit. Chapman. 3. Memory; remembrance; recollection; as, to have or keep in mind, to call to mind, to put in mind, etc. To have a mind or great mind, to be inclined or strongly inclined in purpose; -- used with an infinitive. "Sir Roger de Coverly... told me that he had a great mind to see the new tragedy with me." Addison. -- To lose one's mind, to become insane, or imbecile. -- To make up one's mind, to come to an opinion or decision; to determine. -- To put in mind, to remind. "Regard us simply as putting you in mind of what you already know to be good policy." Jowett .
Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of MIND)
- Attend
- Listen
- heed
- notice
- observe
- wait on
- serve
- mind
- watch
- accompany
- consort
- follow
- imply
- involve
- Bottom
- Breast
- hollow
- valley
- deep
- bed
- centre
- heart
- soul
- will
- Head
- Top
- crown
- chief
- leader
- ruler
- source
- section
- division
- topic
- gathering
- culmination
- crisis
- leadership
- guide
- commander
- acme
- summit
- Heed Mind
- regard
- attend to
- Intellect
- Understanding
- reason
- instinct
- consciousness
- sense
- brains
- ability
- talent
- genius
Possible antonyms: (opposite words of MIND)
- Avoid
- abandon
- excommunicate
- blackball
- banish
- exclude
- Miss
- overlook
- disregard
- despise
- dislike
- contemn
- hate
- loathe
- misconsider
- misconceive
- misestimate
- misjudge
Related words: (words related to MIND)
Insincere; deceitful; not sound and true; having a cavity or decayed spot within. Syn. -- Faithless; dishonest; false; treacherous. - DISREGARDFULLY
Negligently; heedlessly. - CROWN SIDE
Without a chief or leader. - MISJUDGE
To judge erroneously or unjustly; to err in judgment; to misconstrue. - IMPLY
1. To infold or involve; to wrap up. "His head in curls implied." Chapman. 2. To involve in substance or essence, or by fair inference, or by construction of law, when not include virtually; as, war implies fighting. Where a mulicious act is - SENSE
A faculty, possessed by animals, of perceiving external objects by means of impressions made upon certain organs (sensory or sense organs) of the body, or of perceiving changes in the condition of the body; as, the senses of sight, smell, hearing, - CROWNED
1. Having or wearing a crown; surmounted, invested, or adorned, with a crown, wreath, garland, etc.; honored; rewarded; completed; consummated; perfected. "Crowned with one crest." Shak. "Crowned with conquest." Milton. With surpassing - HEARTWOOD
The hard, central part of the trunk of a tree, consisting of the old and matured wood, and usually differing in color from the outer layers. It is technically known as duramen, and distinguished from the softer sapwood or alburnum. - HEART
A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood. Why does my blood thus muster to my heart! Shak. Note: In adult mammals and birds, the heart is four-chambered, the right auricle and ventricle - CONSORTSHIP
The condition of a consort; fellowship; partnership. Hammond. - WATCHET
Pale or light blue. "Watchet mantles." Spenser. Who stares in Germany at watchet eyes Dryden. - CONSORT
A ship keeping company with another. 3. Concurrence; conjunction; combination; association; union. "By Heaven's consort." Fuller. "Working in consort." Hare. Take it singly, and is carries an air of levity; but, in consort with the rest, - BOTTOMRY
A contract in the nature of a mortgage, by which the owner of a ship, or the master as his agent, hypothecates and binds the ship as security for the repayment of money advanced or lent for the use of the ship, if she terminates her voyage - INSTINCTION
Instinct; incitement; inspiration. Sir T. Elyot. - CROWNER
A coroner. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, crowns. Beau. & FL. 2. Etym: - TALENT
tolerare, tollere, to lift up, sustain, endure. See Thole, v. t., 1. Among the ancient Greeks, a weight and a denomination of money equal to 60 minæ or 6,000 drachmæ. The Attic talent, as a weight, was about 57 lbs. avoirdupois; as a denomination - SECTIONALITY
The state or quality of being sectional; sectionalism. - WATCHDOG
A dog kept to watch and guard premises or property, and to give notice of the approach of intruders. - WATCHHOUSE
1. A house in which a watch or guard is placed. 2. A place where persons under temporary arrest by the police of a city are kept; a police station; a lockup. - ADORABILITY
Adorableness. - DISSERVE
To fail to serve; to do injury or mischief to; to damage; to hurt; to harm. Have neither served nor disserved the interests of any party. Jer. Taylor. (more info) Etym: - AMENABILITY
The quality of being amenable; amenableness. Coleridge. - CHICKEN-BREASTED
Having a narrow, projecting chest, caused by forward curvature of the vertebral column. - INTRACTABILITY
The quality of being intractable; intractableness. Bp. Hurd. - SUITABILITY
The quality or state of being suitable; suitableness. - RESERVE
1. To keep back; to retain; not to deliver, make over, or disclose. "I have reserved to myself nothing." Shak. 2. Hence, to keep in store for future or special use; to withhold from present use for another purpose or time; to keep; to retain. Gen. - CONCENTER; CONCENTRE
To come to one point; to meet in, or converge toward, a common center; to have a common center. God, in whom all perfections concenter. Bp. Beveridge. - EQUABILITY
The quality or condition of being equable; evenness or uniformity; as, equability of temperature; the equability of the mind. For the celestial bodies, the equability and constancy of their motions argue them ordained by wisdom. Ray. - SULPHUR-BOTTOM
A very large whalebone whale of the genus Sibbaldius, having a yellowish belly; especially, S. sulfureus of the North Pacific, and S. borealis of the North Atlantic; -- called also sulphur whale. - DEFLAGRABILITY
The state or quality of being deflagrable. The ready deflagrability . . . of saltpeter. Boyle. - COMMENSURABILITY
The quality of being commersurable. Sir T. Browne. - INSENSE
To make to understand; to instruct. Halliwell. - IMMEABILITY
Want of power to pass, or to permit passage; impassableness. Immeability of the juices. Arbuthnot.