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Word Meanings - SOUL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Sole. Chaucer.

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    Insincere; deceitful; not sound and true; having a cavity or decayed spot within. Syn. -- Faithless; dishonest; false; treacherous.
    Etym: 1. To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live. "I am in health, I breathe." Shak. Breathes there a man with soul so dead Sir W. Scott. 2. To take breath; to rest from action. Well! breathe awhile, and then to it again! Shak. 3.
    To stuff; to lard; to farce. Wit larded with malice, and malice forced with wit. Shak.
    The final award; the last sentence. Note: Judgment, abridgment, acknowledgment, and lodgment are in England sometimes written, judgement, abridgement, acknowledgement, and lodgement. Note: Judgment is used adjectively in many self-explaining
    1. Having the quality of spirit; tenuous in substance, and having active powers or properties; ethereal; immaterial; spiritual; pure. 2. Containing, or of the nature of, alcoholic spirit; consisting of refined spirit; alcoholic; ardent;
    Chancellorship. Gower.
    A hazardous attempt or situation; hazard. Herself had run into that hazardize. Spenser.
    An opinionated person; one given to conjecture. South.
    The hard, central part of the trunk of a tree, consisting of the old and matured wood, and usually differing in color from the outer layers. It is technically known as duramen, and distinguished from the softer sapwood or alburnum.
    One who revokes.
    A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood. Why does my blood thus muster to my heart! Shak. Note: In adult mammals and birds, the heart is four-chambered, the right auricle and ventricle
    Having no purpose or result; objectless. Bp. Hall. -- Pur"pose*less*ness, n.
    A contract in the nature of a mortgage, by which the owner of a ship, or the master as his agent, hypothecates and binds the ship as security for the repayment of money advanced or lent for the use of the ship, if she terminates her voyage
    The act of disembodying, or the state of being disembodied.
    1. A screw link, to which is attached the rope of a rope-drilling apparatus, for feeding and slightly turning the drill jar at each stroke. 2. A set screw used for adjusting.
    1. The space inclosed between ranges of hills or mountains; the strip of land at the bottom of the depressions intersecting a country, including usually the bed of a stream, with frequently broad alluvial plains on one or both sides of the stream.
    Inclined to venture; not loth to run risk or danger; venturous; bold; daring; adventurous; as, a venturesome boy or act. -- Ven"ture*some*ly, adv. -- Ven"ture*some*ness, n.
    The separation of the volatile parts of a substance from the more fixed; specifically, the operation of driving off gas or vapor from volatile liquids or solids, by heat in a retort or still, and the condensation of the products as far as possible
    The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety of human activities. "The activity of toil." Palfrey. Syn. -- Liveliness; briskness; quickness.
    1. With care in choosing; with nice regard to preference. "A band of men collected choicely, from each county some." Shak. 2. In a preferable or excellent manner; excellently; eminently. "Choicely good." Walton.
    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    A disadventure. Shelton.
    Priestly. B. Jonson.
    Like a minion; daintily. Camden.
    Having a narrow, projecting chest, caused by forward curvature of the vertebral column.
    To come to one point; to meet in, or converge toward, a common center; to have a common center. God, in whom all perfections concenter. Bp. Beveridge.
    Having the manner or wisdom of statesmen; becoming a statesman.
    A very large whalebone whale of the genus Sibbaldius, having a yellowish belly; especially, S. sulfureus of the North Pacific, and S. borealis of the North Atlantic; -- called also sulphur whale.
    Being in good condition. They also shall bring forth more fruit in their age, and shall be fat and well-liking. Bk. of Com. Prayer .
    1. Resembling death. A deathlike slumber, and a dead repose. Pope. 2. Deadly. "Deathlike dragons." Shak.
    1. Immoderate. Sir W. Raleigh. 2. Diseased; disordered. Wodroephe.


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