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Word Meanings - ZEAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Passionate ardor in the pursuit of anything; eagerness in favor of a person or cause; ardent and active interest; engagedness; enthusiasm; fervor. "Ambition varnished o'er with zeal." Milton. "Zeal, the blind conductor of the will." Dryden.

Additional info about word: ZEAL

1. Passionate ardor in the pursuit of anything; eagerness in favor of a person or cause; ardent and active interest; engagedness; enthusiasm; fervor. "Ambition varnished o'er with zeal." Milton. "Zeal, the blind conductor of the will." Dryden. "Zeal's never-dying fire." Keble. I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Rom. x. 2. A zeal for liberty is sometimes an eagerness to subvert with little care what shall be established. Johnson. 2. A zealot. B. Jonson.

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    Etym: 1. To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live. "I am in health, I breathe." Shak. Breathes there a man with soul so dead Sir W. Scott. 2. To take breath; to rest from action. Well! breathe awhile, and then to it again! Shak. 3.
    The glowing effect which arises from the use of warm colors; hence, any similar appearance or effect in a painting, or work of color. Syn. -- Zeal; ardor; fervor; fervency; heat; glow; earnestness; cordiality; animation; eagerness; excitement;
    To stuff; to lard; to farce. Wit larded with malice, and malice forced with wit. Shak.
    1. Having the quality of spirit; tenuous in substance, and having active powers or properties; ethereal; immaterial; spiritual; pure. 2. Containing, or of the nature of, alcoholic spirit; consisting of refined spirit; alcoholic; ardent;
    The act of disembodying, or the state of being disembodied.
    1. A screw link, to which is attached the rope of a rope-drilling apparatus, for feeding and slightly turning the drill jar at each stroke. 2. A set screw used for adjusting.
    The separation of the volatile parts of a substance from the more fixed; specifically, the operation of driving off gas or vapor from volatile liquids or solids, by heat in a retort or still, and the condensation of the products as far as possible
    The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety of human activities. "The activity of toil." Palfrey. Syn. -- Liveliness; briskness; quickness.
    To extract spirit from; also, to convert into, or impregnate with, spirit. (more info) 1. To refine intellectiually or morally; to purify from the corrupting influence of the world; to give a spiritual character or tendency to; as, to spiritualize
    Without life or spirit.
    That transports; fig., ravishing. Your transporting chords ring out. Keble.
    In a devotional manner; toward devotion.
    Transportation; the act of removing from one locality to another. "The transportal of seeds in the wool or fur of quadrupeds." Darwin.
    The quality or state of being spirituous; spirituousness.
    The quality or state of being transportable.
    1. The condition of being of such and such a sort as distinguished from others; nature or character relatively considered, as of goods; character; sort; rank. We lived most joyful, obtaining acquaintance with many of the city not of the meanest
    An impression, or the consciousness of an impression, made upon the central nervous organ, through the medium of a sensory or afferent nerve or one of the organs of sense; a feeling, or state of consciousness, whether agreeable or disagreeable,
    Of or pertaining to passion or the passions; exciting, influenced by, or ministering to, the passions. -- n.
    Ghost lore. It seemed even more unaccountable than if it had been a thing of ghostology and witchcraft. Hawthorne.
    The act or process of vitalizing, or infusing the vital principle.
    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    In a compassionate manner; mercifully. Clarendon.
    1. Immoderate. Sir W. Raleigh. 2. Diseased; disordered. Wodroephe.
    To encourage.
    Want of animation; lifeless; dullness.
    Depressed in spirits; disheartened; daunted. -- Dis*pir"it*ed*ly, adv. -- Dis*pir"it*ed, n.
    To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion. Bp. Hall.
    To restore vitality to; to bring back to life. L. S. Beale.
    An expression consisting of two unequal quantities, with the sign of inequality between them; as, the inequality 2 < 3, or 4 > 1. (more info) 1. The quality of being unequal; difference, or want of equality, in any respect; lack of uniformity;


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