Word Meanings - VEHEMENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database
1. The quality pr state of being vehement; impetuous force; impetuosity; violence; fury; as, the vehemence. 2. Violent ardor; great heat; animated fervor; as, the vehemence of love, anger, or other passions. I . . . tremble at his vehemence of
Additional info about word: VEHEMENCE
1. The quality pr state of being vehement; impetuous force; impetuosity; violence; fury; as, the vehemence. 2. Violent ardor; great heat; animated fervor; as, the vehemence of love, anger, or other passions. I . . . tremble at his vehemence of temper. Addison.
Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of VEHEMENCE)
- Enthusiasm
- Excitement
- frenzy
- sensation
- inspiration
- transport
- rapture
- warmth
- fervor
- fervency
- zeal
- ardor
- vehemence
- passion
- devotion
- Force
- Power
- strength
- agency
- instrumentality
- compulsion
- cogency
- vigor
- might
- dint
- pressure
- host
- army
- coercion
- validity
- violence
- Passion
- Emotion
- desire
- lust
- auger
- animation
- excitement
- feeling
- Violence
- Vehemence
- impetuosity
- force
- rape
- outrage
- rage
- profanation
- injustice
- fury
- infringement
- fierceness
- oppression
- Warmth
- Ardor
- glow
- heat
- intensity
- earnestness
- cordiality
- eagerness
- geniality
- sincerity
- irascibility
- emotion
- life
Related words: (words related to VEHEMENCE)
The glowing effect which arises from the use of warm colors; hence, any similar appearance or effect in a painting, or work of color. Syn. -- Zeal; ardor; fervor; fervency; heat; glow; earnestness; cordiality; animation; eagerness; excitement; - FORCE
To stuff; to lard; to farce. Wit larded with malice, and malice forced with wit. Shak. - COGENCY
The quality of being cogent; power of compelling conviction; conclusiveness; force. An antecedent argument of extreme cogency. J. H. Newman. - OUTRAGEOUS
Of the nature of an outrage; exceeding the limits of right, reason, or decency; involving or doing an outrage; furious; violent; atrocious. "Outrageous weeping." Chaucer. "The most outrageous villainies." Sir P. Sidney. "The vile, outrageous - MIGHTILY
1. In a mighty manner; with might; with great earnestness; vigorously; powerfully. Whereunto I also labor, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily. Col. i. 29. 2. To a great degree; very much. Practical jokes amused - AUGER
nave of a wheel + gar spear, and therefore meaning properly and 1. A carpenter's tool for boring holes larger than those bored by a gimlet. It has a handle placed crosswise by which it is turned with both hands. A pod auger is one with a straight - INJUSTICE
1. Want of justice and equity; violation of the rights of another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; imposition. If this people resembled Nero in their extravagance, much more did they resemble and even exceed him in cruelty and injustice. - STRENGTHFUL
Abounding in strength; full of strength; strong. -- Strength"ful*ness, n. Florence my friend, in court my faction Not meanly strengthful. Marston. - POWERFUL
Large; capacious; -- said of veins of ore. Syn. -- Mighty; strong; potent; forcible; efficacious; energetic; intense. -- Pow"er*ful*ly, adv. -- Pow"er*ful*ness, n. (more info) 1. Full of power; capable of producing great effects of any - POWERABLE
1. Capable of being effected or accomplished by the application of power; possible. J. Young. 2. Capable of exerting power; powerful. Camden. - TRANSPORTING
That transports; fig., ravishing. Your transporting chords ring out. Keble. - DEVOTIONALLY
In a devotional manner; toward devotion. - TRANSPORTAL
Transportation; the act of removing from one locality to another. "The transportal of seeds in the wool or fur of quadrupeds." Darwin. - TRANSPORTABILITY
The quality or state of being transportable. - FEELINGLY
In a feeling manner; pathetically; sympathetically. - PASSIONAL
Of or pertaining to passion or the passions; exciting, influenced by, or ministering to, the passions. -- n. - SENSATION
An impression, or the consciousness of an impression, made upon the central nervous organ, through the medium of a sensory or afferent nerve or one of the organs of sense; a feeling, or state of consciousness, whether agreeable or disagreeable, - IMPETUOSITY
1. The condition or quality of being impetuous; fury; violence. 2. Vehemence, or furiousnes of temper. Shak. - VIGOR
vigueur, fr. L. vigor, fr. vigere to be lively or strong. See 1. Active strength or force of body or mind; capacity for exertion, physically, intellectually, or morally; force; energy. The vigor of this arm was never vain. Dryden. 2. Strength or - VIGOROUS
1. Possessing vigor; full of physical or mental strength or active force; strong; lusty; robust; as, a vigorous youth; a vigorous plant. Famed for his valor, young, At sea successful, vigorous and strong. Waller. 2. Exhibiting strength, either - COMPASSIONATELY
In a compassionate manner; mercifully. Clarendon. - REINFORCEMENT
An American fresh-water food fish ; -- called also gray pike, blue pike, hornfish, land pike, sand pike, pickering, and pickerel. - INANIMATION
Want of animation; lifeless; dullness. - CANDLE POWER
Illuminating power, as of a lamp, or gas flame, reckoned in terms of the light of a standard candle. - MISTRANSPORT
To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion. Bp. Hall. - REINVIGORATE
To invigorate anew. - DEFORCEOR
Omnipotence; infinite or boundless power; unlimited might. Jer. Taylor. - INVIGOR
To invigorate.