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Word Meanings - ORACULAR - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Of or pertaining to an oracle; uttering oracles; forecasting the future; as, an oracular tongue. 2. Resembling an oracle in some way, as in solemnity, wisdom, authority, obscurity, ambiguity, dogmatism. They have something venerable and oracular

Additional info about word: ORACULAR

1. Of or pertaining to an oracle; uttering oracles; forecasting the future; as, an oracular tongue. 2. Resembling an oracle in some way, as in solemnity, wisdom, authority, obscurity, ambiguity, dogmatism. They have something venerable and oracular in that unadorned gravity and shortness in the expression. Pope. -- O*rac"u*lar*ly, adv. -- O*rac"u*lar*ness, n.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of ORACULAR)

Related words: (words related to ORACULAR)

    Containing, or pertaining to, prophecy; foretelling events; as, prophetic writings; prophetic dreams; -- used with of before the thing foretold. And fears are oft prophetic of the event. Dryden.
    Conceit of one's self; an overweening opinion of one's powers or endowments. Syn. -- See Egotism.
    Of or pertaining to an omen or to omens; being or exhibiting an omen; significant; portentous; -- formerly used both in a favorable and unfavorable sense; now chiefly in the latter; foreboding or foreshowing evil; inauspicious; as, an ominous dread.
    1. Of or pertaining to an oracle; uttering oracles; forecasting the future; as, an oracular tongue. 2. Resembling an oracle in some way, as in solemnity, wisdom, authority, obscurity, ambiguity, dogmatism. They have something venerable and oracular
    Pertaining to the sibyls; uttered, written, or composed by sibyls; like the productions of sibyls. Sibylline books. (Rom. Antiq.) Books or documents of prophecies in verse concerning the fate of the Roman empire, said to have been purchased by
    Having an overweening opinion of one's own powers, attainments; vain; conceited. -- Self`-con*ceit"ed*ness, n.
    1. Pertaining or suited to a dictator; absolute. Military powers quite dictatorial. W. Irving. 2. Characteristic of a dictator; imperious; dogmatical; overbearing; as, a dictatorial tone or manner. -- Dic`ta*to"ri*al*ly, adv. -- Dic`ta*to"ri*al*ness,
    Giving previous warning or notice; as, premonitory symptoms of disease. -- Pre*mon"i*to*ri*ly, adv.
    In a dogmatic manner; positively; magisterially.
    The quality or state of being prophetical; power or capacity to foretell.
    Having power to foretell future events; prophetic; fatiloquent; as, the fatidical oak. Howell. -- Fa*tid"i*cal*ly, adv.
    1. Of the nature of a portent; containing portents; foreschadowing, esp. foreschadowing ill; ominous. For, I believe, they are portentous things. Shak. Victories of strange and almost portentous splendor. Macaulay. 2. Hence: Monstrous; prodigious;
    The quality of being dogmatical; positiveness.
    In a prophetical manner; by way of prediction.
    1. Unduly attached to one's own opinions; opinionated. Milton. 2. Of the nature of an opinion; conjectured. "Things both opinionative and practical." Bunyan. -- O*pin"ion*a*tive*ly, adv. -- O*pin"ion*a*tive*ness, n.
    Foretelling; prophetic; foreboding. -- Pre*dict"ive*ly, adv.
    Having many names or terms.
    1. Pertaining to a dogma, or to an established and authorized doctrine or tenet. 2. Asserting a thing positively and authoritatively; positive; magisterial; hence, arrogantly authoritative; overbearing. Critics write in a positive, dogmatic way.
    Having a protuberant belly; pot-bellied. Gorgonius sits, abdominous and wan, Like a fat squab upon a Chinese fan. Cowper.


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