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Word Meanings - OVER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

ubar, Dan. over, Sw. öfver, Icel. yfir, Goth. ufar, L. super, Gr. 1. Above, or higher than, in place or position, with the idea of covering; -- opposed to Ant: under; as, clouds are over our heads; the smoke rises over the city. The mercy seat

Additional info about word: OVER

ubar, Dan. over, Sw. öfver, Icel. yfir, Goth. ufar, L. super, Gr. 1. Above, or higher than, in place or position, with the idea of covering; -- opposed to Ant: under; as, clouds are over our heads; the smoke rises over the city. The mercy seat that is over the testimony. Ex. xxx. 6. Over them gleamed far off the crimson banners of morning. Longfellow. 2. Across; from side to side of; -- implying a passing or moving, either above the substance or thing, or on the surface of it; as, a dog leaps over a stream or a table. Certain lakes . . . poison birds which fly over them. Bacon. 3. Upon the surface of, or the whole surface of; hither and thither upon; throughout the whole extent of; as, to wander over the earth; to walk over a field, or over a city. 4. Above; -- implying superiority in excellence, dignity, condition, or value; as, the advantages which the Christian world has over the heathen. Swift. 5. Above in authority or station; -- implying government, direction, care, attention, guard, responsibility, etc.; -- opposed to Ant: under. Thou shalt be over my house. Gen. xli. 40. I will make thee rules over many things. Matt. xxv. 23. Dost thou not watch over my sin Job xiv. 16. His tender mercies are over all his works. Ps. cxlv. 9. 6. Across or during the time of; from beginning to end of; as, to keep anything over night; to keep corn over winter. 7. Above the perpendicular height or length of, with an idea of measurement; as, the water, or the depth of water, was over his head, over his shoes. 8. Beyond; in excess of; in addition to; more than; as, it cost over five dollars. "Over all this." Chaucer. 9. Above, implying superiority after a contest; in spite of; notwithstanding; as, he triumphed over difficulties; the bill was passed over the veto. Note: Over, in poetry, is often contracted into o'er. Note: Over his signature is a substitute for the idiomatic English form, under his signature , the reference in the latter form being to the authority under which the writing is made, executed, or published, and not the place of the autograph, etc. Over all , placed over or upon other bearings, and therefore hinding them in part; -- said of a charge. -- Over head and ears, beyond one's depth; completely; wholly; hopelessly; as, over head and ears in debt. -- Over the left. See under Left. -- To run over , to have rotation in such direction that the crank pin traverses the upper, or front, half of its path in the forward, or outward, stroke; -- said of a crank which drives, or is driven by, a reciprocating piece.

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Related words: (words related to OVER)

    An optical instrument consisting of two lenses set in a light frame, and worn to assist sight, to obviate some defect in the organs of vision, or to shield the eyes from bright light. 4. pl. (more info) 1. Something exhibited to view; usually,
    To brace in opposite directions; as, to counterbrace the yards, i. e., to brace the head yards one way and the after yards another.
    More than usual; extraordinary; more than sufficient; measureless. "The exceeding riches of his grace." Eph. ii. 7. -- Ex*ceed"ing*ness, n. Sir P. Sidney.
    The quality or state of being specific.
    Of or pertaining to semen; as, the spermatic fluid, the spermatic vessels, etc. Spermatic cord , the cord which suspends the testicle within the scrotum. It is made up of a connective tissue sheath inclosing the spermatic duct and accompanying
    Tending to counteract.
    1. An opposite or opposing view; opposition; a posture in which two persons front each other. Within the gates of hell sat Death and Sin, In counterview. Milton M. Peisse has ably advocated the counterview in his preface and appendixx.
    A counterpoise.
    A salesman in a shop; a shopman; -- used contemtuously.
    One who suggests. Beau. & Fl.
    An apparatus for photographing or mapping a spectrum. A photograph or picture of a spectrum. -- Spec`tro*graph"ic , a. --Spec`tro*graph"ic*al*ly , adv. --Spec*trog"ra*phy , n.
    reckon, G. rechnen, OHG. rahnjan), and to E. reck, rake an implement; the original sense probably being, to bring together, count together. 1. To count; to enumerate; to number; also, to compute; to calculate. The priest shall reckon to him the
    1. To introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of, usually by the agency of other objects. Some ideas . . . are suggested to the mind by all the ways of sensation and reflection. Locke. 2. To propose with difference or modesty;
    The blubber of whales or other marine mammals; also, the fat of the hippopotamus. Speck falls , falls or ropes rove through blocks for hoisting the blubber and bone of whales on board a whaling vessel.
    1. Full of shade or shadows; causing shade or shadow. "Shadowy verdure." Fenton. This shadowy desert, unfrequented woods. Shak. 2. Hence, dark; obscure; gloomy; dim. "The shadowy past." Longfellow. 3. Not brightly luminous; faintly light. The moon
    To shadow or typi Dryden.
    Of or pertaining to the cremaster; as, the cremasteric artery.
    Rough; rugged; harsh; bitter; stern; fierce. "An asper sound." Bacon.
    Producing one seed only in a seed pod.
    One who has charge of the baggage at a railway station or upon a line of public travel.
    Nonresistance; passive submission; irresistance. Bp. Hall.
    1. To deal out in portions; to distribute; to give; as, the steward dispenses provisions according directions; Nature dispenses her bounties; to dispense medicines. He is delighted to dispense a share of it to all the company. Sir W. Scott. 2.
    The ovum, after fusion with the spermatozoön in impregnation. Balfour.
    See HALL


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