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Word Meanings - SECOND - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Immediately following the first; next to the first in order of place or time; hence, occuring again; another; other. And he slept and dreamed the second time. Gen. xli. 5. 2. Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity,

Additional info about word: SECOND

1. Immediately following the first; next to the first in order of place or time; hence, occuring again; another; other. And he slept and dreamed the second time. Gen. xli. 5. 2. Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity, or rank; secondary; subordinate; inferior. May the day when we become the second people upon earth . . . be the day of our utter extirpation. Landor. 3. Being of the same kind as another that has preceded; another, like a protype; as, a second Cato; a second Troy; a second deluge. A Daniel, still say I, a second Daniel! Shak. Second Adventist. See Adventist. -- Second cousin, the child of a cousin. -- Second-cut file. See under File. -- Second distance , that part of a picture between the foreground and the background; -- called also middle ground, or middle distance. -- Second estate , the House of Peers. -- Second girl, a female house-servant who does the lighter work, as chamber work or waiting on table. -- Second intention. See under Intention. -- Second story, Story floor, in America, the second range of rooms from the street level. This, in England, is called the first floor, the one beneath being the ground floor. -- Second thought or thoughts, consideration of a matter following a first impulse or impression; reconsideration. On second thoughts, gentlemen, I don't wish you had known him. Dickens.

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    1. Immediately following the first; next to the first in order of place or time; hence, occuring again; another; other. And he slept and dreamed the second time. Gen. xli. 5. 2. Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity,
    In a manner to give aid.
    Capable of being misinterpreted; liable to be misunderstood.
    To stuff; to lard; to farce. Wit larded with malice, and malice forced with wit. Shak.
    1. Competent power; validity; efficacy; as, the availableness of a title. 2. Quality of being available; capability of being used for the purpose intended. Sir M. Hale.
    upon, to press upon; pref. in- in, on + stare to stand: cf. F. in. 1. Pressing; urgent; importunate; earnest. Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer. Rom. xii. 12. I am beginning to be very instant for some sort
    Capable of being supported, maintained, or endured; endurable. -- Sup*port"a*ble*ness, n. -- Sup*port"a*bly, adv.
    1. Confused; perplexed. A cloudy and confounded philosopher. Cudworth. 2. Excessive; extreme; abominable. He was a most confounded tory. Swift. The tongue of that confounded woman. Sir. W. Scott.
    tiono run to, or run to support; hence, to help or relieve when in difficulty, want, or distress; to assist and deliver from He is able to succor them that are tempted. Heb. ii. 18. Syn. -- To aid; assist; relieve; deliver; help; comfort. (more
    So as to secure approbation; in an approved manner.
    That which prevents; -- incorrectly used instead of preventive.
    Maintenance; support. Chaucer. Bacon.
    Obscurity. Bp. Hall.
    The quality or state of being praiseworthy.
    1. The act of assisting; help; aid; furtherance; succor; support. Without the assistance of a mortal hand. Shak. 2. An assistant or helper; a body of helpers. Wat Tyler killed by valiant Walworth, the lord mayor of London, and his assistance,
    One who, or that which, obscures.
    To give support to in some undertaking or effort, or in time of distress; to help; to aid; to succor. Assist me, knight. I am undone! Shak. Syn. -- To help; aid; second; back; support; relieve; succor; befriend; sustain; favor. See Help.
    One who suppresses.
    One who encourages, incites, or helps forward; a favorer. The pope is . . . a great encourager of arts. Addison.
    To interrupt the continuance of; to intermit, as a practice or habit; to put an end to; to cause to cease; to cease using, to stop; to leave off. Set up their conventicles again, which had been discontinued. Bp. Burnet. I have discontinued school
    At the bottom; lowest. Cowell. Note: In feudal law, the tenant paravail is the lowest tenant of the fee, or he who is immediate tenant to one who holds over of another. Wharton.
    One who appraises; esp., a person appointed and sworn to estimate and fix the value of goods or estates.
    The quality or state of being inconsequent; want of just or logical inference or argument; inconclusiveness. Bp. Stillingfleet. Strange, that you should not see the inconsequence of your own reasoning! Bp. Hurd.
    Not preventable; invitable.
    A lewd woman; a harlot. B. Jonson.
    A counterpoise.


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