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Word Meanings - SOUND - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The air bladder of a fish; as, cod sounds are an esteemed article of food.

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    Straight; direct.
    To measure the dimensions of, or to test the accuracy of the form of, as of a part of a gunlock. The vanes nicely gauged on each side. Derham. 4. To draw into equidistant gathers by running a thread through it, as cloth or a garment. 5. To measure
    In a sincere manner. Specifically: Purely; without alloy. Milton. Honestly; unfeignedly; without dissimulation; as, to speak one's mind sincerely; to love virtue sincerely.
    1. The quality of being authentic or of established authority for truth and correctness. 2. Genuineness; the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original. Note: In later writers, especially those on the evidences of Christianity,
    Satin flower; the name of two cruciferous herbs having large flat pods, the round shining partitions of which are more beautiful than the blossom; -- called also lunary and moonwort. Lunaria biennis is common honesty; L. rediva is perennial honesty.
    1. Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious. Thy name and honorable family. Shak. 2. High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation. 3. Proceeding from an
    1. One versed in natural science; a student of natural history, esp. of the natural history of animals. 2. One who holds or maintains the doctrine of naturalism in religion. H. Bushnell.
    One who fathoms.
    To make actual; to realize in action. Coleridge.
    Steel made by the direct refining of cast iron in a finery, or, as wootz, by a direct process from the ore.
    The state of being right with God; justification; the work of Christ, which is the ground justification. There are two kinds of Christian righteousness: the one without us, which we have by imputation; the other in us, which consisteth of faith,
    One who, or that which; sounds; specifically, an instrument used in telegraphy in place of a register, the communications being read by sound.
    1. To examine, as a wound, an ulcer, or some cavity of the body, with a probe. 2. Fig.: to search to the bottom; to scrutinize or examine thoroughly. Dryden. The growing disposition to probe the legality of all acts, of the crown. Hallam.
    One who gauges; an officer whose business it is to ascertain the contents of casks.
    the quality or state of being upright.
    Capable of being gauged.
    1. The state of being honorable; eminence; distinction. 2. Conformity to the principles of honor, probity, or moral rectitude; fairness; uprightness; reputableness.
    Having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love to mankind, and a desire to promote their prosperity and happiness; disposed to give to good objects; kind; charitable. -- Be*nev"o*lent*ly, adv. Syn. -- Benevolent, Beneficent.
    In health; wholesomely.
    Like, or pertaining to, Strongylus, a genus of parasitic nematode worms of which many species infest domestic animals. Some of the species, especially those living in the kidneys, lungs, and bronchial tubes, are often very injurious. -- n.
    The quality or state of being supernatural.
    See I
    Pompous; noisy; ostentatious; as, high-sounding words or titles.
    In an insufficient manner or degree; unadequately.
    1. Dishonor; dishonorableness; shame. "The hidden things of dishonesty." 2 Cor. iv. 2. 2. Want of honesty, probity, or integrity in principle; want of fairness and straightforwardness; a disposition to defraud, deceive, or betray; faithlessness.
    resonare; pref. re- re- + sonare to sound, sonus sound. See Sound to 1. To sound loudly; as, his voice resounded far. 2. To be filled with sound; to ring; as, the woods resound with song. 3. To be echoed; to be sent back, as sound. "Common fame
    1. Not efficient; not producing the effect intended or desired; inefficacious; as, inefficient means or measures. 2. Incapable of, or indisposed to, effective action; habitually slack or remiss; effecting little or nothing; as, inefficient workmen;
    Preternaturalness. Dr. John Smith.
    Dishonest; dishonorable. Ascham. -- Un*hon"est*ly, adv. Udall.
    An artificer who makes carts; a cart maker.


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