Word Meanings - HEARTFELT - Book Publishers vocabulary database
Hearty; sincere.
Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of HEARTFELT)
- Deep
- Profound
- subterranean
- submerged
- designing
- abstruse
- recondite
- learned
- low
- sagacious
- penetrating
- thick
- obscure
- mysterious
- occult
- Intense
- heartfelt
- Hearty
- Healthy
- robust
- cordial
- sound
- warm
- honest
- earnest
- genuine
- well
- sincere
- hale
Possible antonyms: (opposite words of HEARTFELT)
Related words: (words related to HEARTFELT)
Something put into a liquid or mass to make it thicker. - SINCERELY
In a sincere manner. Specifically: Purely; without alloy. Milton. Honestly; unfeignedly; without dissimulation; as, to speak one's mind sincerely; to love virtue sincerely. - OCCULTISM
A certain Oriental system of theosophy. A. P. Sinnett. - DESIGN
drawing, dessein a plan or scheme; all, ultimately, from L. designare to designate; de- + signare to mark, mark out, signum mark, sign. See 1. To draw preliminary outline or main features of; to sketch for a pattern or model; to delineate; to trace - THICK WIND
A defect of respiration in a horse, that is unassociated with noise in breathing or with the signs of emphysema. - HONESTY
Satin flower; the name of two cruciferous herbs having large flat pods, the round shining partitions of which are more beautiful than the blossom; -- called also lunary and moonwort. Lunaria biennis is common honesty; L. rediva is perennial honesty. - OCCULT
Hidden from the eye or the understanding; inviable; secret; concealed; unknown. It is of an occult kind, and is so insensible in its advances as to escape observation. I. Taylor. Occult line , a line drawn as a part of the construction of a figure - DESIGNATE
Designated; appointed; chosen. Sir G. Buck. - OBSCURENESS
Obscurity. Bp. Hall. - OBSCURER
One who, or that which, obscures. - SOUNDER
One who, or that which; sounds; specifically, an instrument used in telegraphy in place of a register, the communications being read by sound. - THICK-SKINNED
Having a thick skin; hence, not sensitive; dull; obtuse. Holland. - ABSTRUSELY
In an abstruse manner. - THICKNESS
The quality or state of being thick (in any of the senses of the adjective). - LEARN
linon, for lirnon, OHG. lirnen, lernen, G. lernen, fr. the root of AS. l to teach, OS. lerian, OHG.leran, G. lehren, Goth. laisjan, also Goth lais I know, leis acquainted ; all prob. from a root meaning, to go, go over, and hence, to learn; cf. - THICK-WINDED
Affected with thick wind. - OCCULTED
Concealed by the intervention of some other heavenly body, as a star by the moon. (more info) 1. Hidden; secret. Shak. - SOUNDLESS
Not capable of being sounded or fathomed; unfathomable. Shak. - THICKBILL
The bullfinch. - DISCOVERTURE
A state of being released from coverture; freedom of a woman from the coverture of a husband. (more info) 1. Discovery. - HIGH-SOUNDING
Pompous; noisy; ostentatious; as, high-sounding words or titles. - RESOUND
resonare; pref. re- re- + sonare to sound, sonus sound. See Sound to 1. To sound loudly; as, his voice resounded far. 2. To be filled with sound; to ring; as, the woods resound with song. 3. To be echoed; to be sent back, as sound. "Common fame - DISHONESTY
1. Dishonor; dishonorableness; shame. "The hidden things of dishonesty." 2 Cor. iv. 2. 2. Want of honesty, probity, or integrity in principle; want of fairness and straightforwardness; a disposition to defraud, deceive, or betray; faithlessness. - UNHONEST
Dishonest; dishonorable. Ascham. -- Un*hon"est*ly, adv. Udall. - INTERPENETRATE
To penetrate between or within; to penetrate mutually. It interpenetrates my granite mass. Shelley. - HALF-LEARNED
Imperfectly learned. - DEHONESTATE
To disparage. (more info) dishonor; de- + honestare to make honorable. Cf. Dishonest, and see - SUBOBSCURELY
Somewhat obscurely or darkly. Donne. - FOREDESIGN
To plan beforehand; to intend previously. Cheyne.