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Word Meanings - STIGMATIZE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To mark with a stigma, or brand; as, the ancients stigmatized their slaves and soldiers. That . . . hold out both their ears with such delight and ravishment, to be stigmatized and bored through in witness of their own voluntary and beloved

Additional info about word: STIGMATIZE

1. To mark with a stigma, or brand; as, the ancients stigmatized their slaves and soldiers. That . . . hold out both their ears with such delight and ravishment, to be stigmatized and bored through in witness of their own voluntary and beloved baseness. Milton. 2. To set a mark of disgrace on; to brand with some mark of reproach or infamy. To find virtue extolled and vice stigmatized. Addison.

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    One who holds a benefice in commendam; a commendatary. Chalmers.
    See WORM
    Negligently; heedlessly.
    1. A branding iron. 2. A trivet to set a pot on. Huloet. 3. The horizontal bar of an andiron.
    A vender of paints, etc. Simmonds.
    To judge erroneously or unjustly; to err in judgment; to misconstrue.
    Slanderous. Entick.
    One who defames; a slanderer; a detractor; a calumniator.
    So as to secure approbation; in an approved manner.
    Modest; shamefaced. -- Shame"fast*ly, adv. -- Shame"fast*ness, n. See Shamefaced. Shamefast she was in maiden shamefastness. Chaucer. is a blushing shamefast spirit. Shak. Modest apparel with shamefastness. 1 Tim. ii. 9 .
    One who commends or praises.
    To deck with that which is becoming, ornamental, or honorary; to adorn; to beautify; to embellish; as, to decorate the person; to decorate an edifice; to decorate a lawn with flowers; to decorate the mind with moral beauties; to decorate a hero
    1. Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious. Thy name and honorable family. Shak. 2. High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation. 3. Proceeding from an
    1. To make signal or eminent; to render distinguished from what is common; to distinguish. It is this passion which drives men to all the ways we see in use of signalizing themselves. Burke. 2. To communicate with by means of a signal; as, a ship
    1. Given or disposed to slander; uttering slander. "Slanderous tongue." Shak. 2. Embodying or containing slander; calumnious; as, slanderous words, speeches, or reports. -- Slan"der*ous*ly, adv. -- Slan"der*ous*ness, n.
    denunciare; de- + nunciare, nuntiare, to announce, report, nuntius a 1. To make known in a solemn or official manner; to declare; to proclaim . Denouncing wrath to come. Milton. I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish. Deut. xxx.
    The act of traducing; misrepresentation; ill-founded censure; defamation; calumny. Shak.
    One who labels.
    1. To regard with dislike or aversion; to disapprove; to disrelish. Every nation dislikes an impost. Johnson. 2. To awaken dislike in; to displease. "Disliking countenance." Marston. "It dislikes me." Shak.
    A barrulet, or, rarely, a bendlet, with pendants, or points, usually three, especially used as a mark of cadency to distinguish an eldest or only son while his father is still living. 6. A brass rule with sights, formerly used, in connection with
    Dependent for effect on something that may or may not occur; as, a contingent estate. If a contingent legacy be left to any one when he attains, or if he attains, the age of twenty-one. Blackstone. (more info) touch on all sides, to happen; con-
    To stamp; to mark as It is the motive . . . which enstamps the character. Gogan.
    To distinguish by a contrast of opposite qualities. These are our complex ideas of soul and body, as contradistinguished. Locke.
    F. soutenir (the French prefix is properly fr. L. subtus below, fr. sub under), L. sustinere; pref. sus- + tenere to hold. See 1. To keep from falling; to bear; to uphold; to support; as, a foundation sustains the superstructure; a beast sustains
    Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct; hence, not capable of being perceived or known; as, in the distance the flagship was indisguishable; the two copies were indisguishable in form
    Of the same color; of uniform color. "Concolor animals." Sir T. Browne.


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