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Word Meanings - TRADUCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

as a spectacle, disgrace, transfer, derive; trans across, over + ducere to lead: cf. F. traduire to transfer, translate, arraign, fr. 1. To transfer; to transmit; to hand down; as, to traduce mental qualities to one's descendants. Glanvill. 2.

Additional info about word: TRADUCE

as a spectacle, disgrace, transfer, derive; trans across, over + ducere to lead: cf. F. traduire to transfer, translate, arraign, fr. 1. To transfer; to transmit; to hand down; as, to traduce mental qualities to one's descendants. Glanvill. 2. To translate from one language to another; as, to traduce and compose works. Golden Boke. 3. To increase or distribute by propagation. From these only the race of perfect animals were propagated and traduced over the earth. Sir M. Hale. 4. To draw away; to seduce. I can forget the weakness Of the traduced soldiers. Beau. & Fl. 5. To represent; to exhibit; to display; to expose; to make an example of. Bacon. 6. To expose to contempt or shame; to represent as blamable; to calumniate; to vilify; to defame. The best stratagem that Satan hath . . . is by traducing the form and manner of them , to bring them into contempt. Hooker. He had the baseness . . . to traduce me in libel. Dryden. Syn. -- To calumniate; vilify; defame; disparage; detract; depreciate; decry; slander.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of TRADUCE)

Related words: (words related to TRADUCE)

    Tending to produce death; threatening a fatal issue; virulent; as, malignant diphtheria. Malignant pustule , a very contagious disease, transmitted to man from animals, characterized by the formation, at the point of reception of the virus, of
    1. The state or quality of being malignant; disposition to do evil; virulent enmity; malignancy; malice; spite. 2. Virulence; deadly quality. His physicians discerned an invincible malignity in his disease. Hayward. 3. Extreme evilness of nature
    Slanderous. Entick.
    One who defames; a slanderer; a detractor; a calumniator.
    Etym: 1. To make or render black. While the long funerals blacken all the way. Pope 2. To make dark; to darken; to cloud. "Blackened the whole heavens." South. 3. To defame; to sully, as reputation; to make infamous; as, vice blackens
    1. Given or disposed to slander; uttering slander. "Slanderous tongue." Shak. 2. Embodying or containing slander; calumnious; as, slanderous words, speeches, or reports. -- Slan"der*ous*ly, adv. -- Slan"der*ous*ness, n.
    denunciare; de- + nunciare, nuntiare, to announce, report, nuntius a 1. To make known in a solemn or official manner; to declare; to proclaim . Denouncing wrath to come. Milton. I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish. Deut. xxx.
    The act of traducing; misrepresentation; ill-founded censure; defamation; calumny. Shak.
    1. Tending to detractor draw. 2. Tending to lower in estimation; depreciative.
    One who censures. Sha.
    1. Matching any one in marriage under his or her degree; injurious union with something of inferior excellence; a lowering in rank or estimation. And thought that match a foul disparagement. Spenser. 2. Injurious comparison with an inferior; a
    The quality of being detractive.
    In a detracting manner.
    Turned upside down from its proper position; inverted; reversed.
    Borne lower than usual, as a fess; also, having the ends of the wings turned downward towards the point of the shield. (more info) 1. Lowered; humbled. 2. Etym:
    He who, or that which, abases.
    In a derogatory manner.
    1. To offend the feelings of the conscience of by some action which is considered immoral or criminal; to bring shame, disgrace, or reproach upon. I demand who they are whom we scandalize by using harmless things. Hooker. the congregation looked
    To cry down; to censure as faulty, mean, or worthless; to clamor against; to blame clamorously; to discredit; to disparage. For small errors they whole plays decry. Dryden. Measures which are extolled by one half of the kingdom are naturally decried
    Virulence; tendency to a fatal issue; as, the malignancy of an ulcer or of a fever. 4. The state of being a malignant. Syn. -- Malice; malevolence; malignity. See Malice. (more info) 1. The state or quality of being malignant; extreme malevolence;
    Humbled by consciousness of inferiority, unworthiness, guilt, or shame.


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